Hi my friends. A lot of people always thinking about the life future going. You don’t have to think about it that much. 大家好,很多人总想着人生未来的走向! 你不必想太多!


The now and the future are always related. If you can live in the now, that means you can also live in the future. 当下和未来,其实是连接在一起的! 如果你能够活在当下,那你就能够活在未来!

The now and the future are always related. You change the now, it’s like you change the future. 当下和未来,就是相互连接的! 你能改变当下,那就相当于你改变了未来!

The now and the future are the same thing, exactly the same thing. You got it? 当下和未来,是同一样东西! 完完全全是同一样东西!明白了吗?
