新概念第一册21-22 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.Give me a book please, Jane.请拿本书给我,简。

这是一个祈使句。祈使句表示请求或命令。(请参见Lessons 13~14语法部分的说明。)表示客气的请求时,通常加please。

2.Which book? 哪一本?

是Which book do you want?的省略形式。下文中的This one? 是Do you want this one?的省略形式。No, not that one是No, I do not want that one的省略形式。口语中常用这样的省略句。

3.This one?是这本吗?

相当于:Do you want this one? one是不定代词,代替 a book,以避免重复。one的复数形式是ones。one和ones前面都可用定冠词,也可有自己的定语。


1,010----a thousand and ten; 1,011----a thousand and eleven; 1,016----a thousand and sixteen

语法 Grammar in use



Give me/him/her/us/them a book. 给我/他/她/我们/他(她)们一本书。(宾格代词)

2.which引导的非凡疑问句(请参见Lessons 5~6中语法部分的说明。)

用which 名词可询问物体(单数或复数)或物质。which总是说明一种限定的、特指的选择。如:

Which book/books do you prefer? 你喜欢哪本/哪些书?

Which car do you like best? 你最喜欢哪种汽车?

词汇学习 Word study




China is a large country. 中国是一个幅员辽阔的国家。

Look at that large woman in white. 瞧那个身穿白色衣服、个子高大的女人。

(2)big所表示的大,主要指不仅体积大而且很重。所以a large box未必big。big在修饰人时,主要指大人物,但个子未必高大。如:

It is a big house. 这是一所大房子。(此句指不仅体积大,而且给人深刻的或坚固的印象。)

She's very big in the filmdom. 她在电影界中是个响当当的人物。(此句指不仅成功,且具有很大的影响力。)



It is a small factory. 这是一个小新概念。

I want the small one with the yellow handle. 我想要带新概念把手的那个小的。


There is a little garden behind our house. 我们的屋后有个小花园。(此句表示花园虽小,但很可爱。)

She has the sweetest little smiles. 她的微笑十分甜蜜可爱。

练习答案 Key to written exercises

Lesson 22


1 Is this Nicola's coat? No, it's not. Her coat is grey.

2 Are these your pens? No, they're not. My pens are blue.

3 Is this Mr. Jackson's hat? No, it's not. His hat is black.

4 Are these the children's books? No, they're not. Their books are red.

5 Is this Helen's dog? No, it's not. Her dog is brown and white.

6 Is this your father's tie? No, it's not. His tie is orange.


1 Give me a cup please.

Which one? This dirty one?

No, not this dirty one. That clean one.

Here you are.

Thank you.

2 Give me a glass please.

Which one? This empty one?

No, not this empty one. That full one.

Here you are.

Thank you.

3 Give me a bottle please.

Which one? This large one?

No, not this large one. That small one.

Here you are.

Thank you.

4 Give me a box please.

Which one? This big one?

No, not this big one. That little one.

Here you are.

Thank you.

5 Give me a tin please.

Which one? This new one?

No, not this new one. That old one.

Here you are.

Thank you.

6 Give me a knife please.

Which one? This sharp one?

No, not this sharp one. That blunt one.

Here you are.

Thank you.

7 Give me a spoon please.

Which one? This new one?

No, not this new one. That old one.

Here you are.

Thank you.

8 Give me a fork please.

Which one? This large one?

No, not this large one. That small one.

Here you are.

Thank you.

新概念第一册23-24 课文详解及练习答案

课文详注 Further notes on the text


在Give me some glasses中,动词give后面有两个宾语,即直接宾语some glasses和间接宾语me。人称代词作宾语时要用人称代词的宾格。请参见Lessons 21~22语法部分。

2.The ones on the shelf.是架子上的那几只。

本句是省略句,句首省略了I want。句中的ones代表glasses。on the shelf是介词短语,作定语,修饰ones。


是Do you want these?的省略形式。

4.Yes, please.是的,请拿给我。

当别人问你要不要某物而你同意要时,就可用这句话。假如你不同意要,则应说:No, thank you. 不,谢谢。


1,117----one thousand one hundred and seventeen; 1,420----one thousand four hundred and twenty

1,925----one thousand nine hundred and twenty-five; 2,000----two thousand

语法 Grammar in use


(1)我们经常在名词、名词短语、代词或动名词前面用介词表示人物、事件等与其他人物、事件等之间的各种关系,如空间关系、时间关系、因果关系等。介词始终带有宾语。即使介词与宾语分开时,这种关系仍必定存在。有许多固定的介词短语常可见到。许多介词短语是由介词 名词( 介词)构成的,如:on time(准时),in the middle of(在……中间)。


the pens on the desk桌上的钢笔 the boxes on the floor地板上的盒子

the bottles on the dressing table梳妆台上的瓶子 the magazines on the bed床上的杂志

词汇学习 Word study




He is working at his desk. 他正在自己的书桌前用功。

I put it on his desk. 我把它放在他的办公桌上了。


I've booked a table for two at 7.00. 我预订了一张两人桌,是在7点钟。

They sat round the table and made this big decision. 他们围坐在会议桌旁,作出了这个重大的决定。

练习答案 Key to written exercises

Lesson 24


1 Give Jane this watch. Give her this one, too.

2 Give the children these ice creams. Give them these, too.

3 Give Tom this book. Give him this one, too.

4 That is my passport. Give me my passport please.

5 That is my coat. Give me my coat please.

6 Those are our umbrellas. Give us our umbrellas please.


1 Give me some pens please.

Which ones? These?

No, not those. The ones on the desk.

2 Give me some ties please.

Which ones? These?

No, not those. The ones on the chair.

3 Give me some spoons please.

Which ones? These?

No, not those. The ones on the table.

4 Give me some plates please.

Which ones? These?

No, not those. The ones on the cupboard.

5 Give me some cigarettes please.

Which ones? These?

No, not those. The ones on the television.

6 Give me some boxes please.

Which ones? These?

No, not those. The ones on the floor.

7 Give me some bottles please.

Which ones? These?

No, not those. The ones on the dressing table.

8 Give me some books please.

Which ones? These?

No, not those. The ones on the shelf.

9 Give me some magazines please.

Which ones? These?

No, not those. The ones on the bed.

10 Give me some newspapers please.

Which ones? These?

No, not those. The ones on the stereo.

