


Why does one practice martial arts?


Ling Yun was confused about this question. He began to learn the Drunken Sword at the age of eight. Twenty years later, he's already a master, but has yet to stop searching for an answer to the elusive question.




The Drunken Sword is a special sword style exhibiting the state of being drunk. The practitioner staggers, as if they’re intoxicated. In ancient times, Taoist priests lived in the mountains and used to carry with them alcohol for medicinal purposes.. When they got tipsy, they would dance with their swords. In their state of stupor, they believed that the sword merged with their body and that they had finally reached the point where man and nature were one.




"Courage, strength and effort are essential in Chinese martial arts, with courage coming first. The muscles are relaxed with alcohol. And that's when you have the most explosive power," says Ling.


Here's the trick to practicing the Drunken Swords: You don't have to throw back a few drinks, but merely give the illusion you’re drunk. The sword combines the yin and yang. Yin corresponds to gentle and mild movements as if in a state of bewilderment. Yang means you are steadfast. You come across as off balance while in fact you are looking for the right moment to attack in a flash.




Practicing the Drunken Sword goes beyond improving your physical skills to cultivating a positive attitude towards life. It offers people a perception of life in the process, and allows you to feel the guidance and change of martial arts on your own life.


Ancient Chinese masters promoted the heart to play an instrument and the gut to perform with the sword. The former presents the internal peace, while the latter is about courage. It focuses on the balance between hard and soft, yin and yang. The sword has two edges, like men have two sides. One can wield the sword, or play chords. One can be valiant in fight, or have a secluded life. Nothing is truly isolated in the world. Only when two sides co-exist do things develop.




"As for me, practicing martial arts has more impact on the course of my life. Through the process, one can find balance in their life to live peacefully," says Ling.


Again, why does one practice martial arts?


The answer lies within. For Ling, practicing martial arts does not stop there. It's more about the cultivation. Humans have a rational side and a wild side. The aim is to be able to control oneself. Both the sword and the instrument are good ways for meditation and self-restraint. Although practitioners are not allowed to use it at will, it always gives you a vivid swordsman dream.


