从effective,work,count看big word意识
Define Teamwork – a teamwork definition that works!
It’s one thing to define teamwork but perhaps another to define it in a way that works! So where would you start?
this article we look at some of the common understandings of teamwork, but we also do something different. We look at the idea that it’s not just your definition of teamwork that counts.
2) 英译英是我们学习英语的基本功
1. 读到 a teamwork definition that works时,不是做“英译汉”,而是:
Okay.I got you.That works is a big word.It means that is very good and effective.But I like the word works,and so next time,I won't say This is a very effective way/method/approach to learning English,instead,I'll say This is an approach that works.
2.又读到your definition of teamwork that counts时,更是激发“英译英”和big word意识:
-Oh,my gosh.I got you.teamwork that counts.I really like the word counts,it means thst is effective and works.But count is really a bigger word.
-So,I can say This is an effective way to learn English.And Big word:This is a way that works to learn English.And bigger word:This is a way that really counts to learn English.
你的英语学习是否也能这样通过用英语学英语,通过big word意识,不需要通过“英译汉”慢慢让自己的英语得到升华,并让英译英基本功最终变成你的英语强项?