


















she\ he\ it







her\ him\ it








her \his\ its











名词: 名词分为可数名词和不可数名词。


water “水” , “水”的数量不可以数清; rice “大米,谷粒” , 其数量难以数清。用法上有两大特点:

(1)、没有复数形式;(2)、不能用不定冠词 a / an 、基数词、many 修饰。

2、可数名词:表示的事物,其数量可以数清 。可数名词用法上的特点:

(1)、有单数、复数两种形式;(2)、能用不定冠词 a / an 、基数词、many 修饰。

3、单数名词后加 s 或 es 变成复数名词。单数名词后加 s 或 es 的方法如下:

(1)、 一般情况,名词后直接加 s (清辅音后读 / s /, 浊辅音后读/ z /)

例如: parents“双亲” ;aunts“阿姨” ;friends“朋友”

(2)、以字母 e 结尾的名词,直接加 s (读 / z /) 例如:uncles“叔叔” ;pictures“图画”

(3)、以字母 O 结尾的名词,有的加 s ,有的加 es (读 / z /) 例如: photos“照片” ;tomatoes“西红柿” ;

(4)、以“辅音字母 y”结尾的名词,变 y 为 i,加 es (读 / z /)

例如:family → families; party → parties

(5)、以 s x ch sh 结尾名词,直接加 es(读 / Iz/) 例如:

buses“公共汽车” boxes“盒子” wishes“希望” watches“手表”


man → men woman → women people → people child—children


4、名词所有格 :表示“某人的” , 名词 ’s 构成 。其规则如下:

1)、一般情况下,名词后直接加 ’s: Jim’s (吉姆的); my mother’s(我的母亲的)

2)、以 s 结尾的复数名词,直接加 ’: my friends’ (我的朋友的);his students’

3)、一个 人或物 属各自所有的或者几个人共有,变成所有格。

Jim’s and Kate’s aunts 吉姆的阿姨和凯特的阿姨

Jim and Kate’s birthday吉姆和凯特(共有)的生日



pen_________ desk_________ key_________ orange_______ boy_________ friend_________ parent_________ mother_______ brother_______ son________ sister_________ father_________ daughter_______ cousin________ strawberry _______ dictionary ______

card_________ case_________ family________ box_________ orange________

class _________ child______ shelf _________ bed _________ radio_______

photo_______ tomato_______ woman ____


1、There _________ on the wall .They are very beautiful.

A. are photoes B. are photos C. is a photo D. is photos

2. The old man wants_________.

A. six boxes of apples B. six boxes of apple

C. six box of apples D. six boxs of apples

3. Theretwoin the box.

A. is ,watch B. are ,watches C. are , watch D. is , watches

4. The _____ meeting room is near the reading room.

A. teacher B. teacher’s C. teachers’ D. teachers

5. ___ shirt is white.

A. My brother B. My brothers C. My brother’s D. My brothers’

6. Today is September 10th. It is ____ Day.

A. Teachers B. Teachers’ C. the Teachers’ D. Teacher’s

7. It's June 1st, it's _______ Day.

A. Childrens B. Children's  C. Childrens' D. Childrens's

8. This year, _______ is on May 9th.

A. my mother's birthday  B. my mothers' birthday 

C. my mothers birthday  D. my mothers's birthday

9. This is ___ bike.

A. Mike and Jim's  B. Mike's and Jim

C. Mike's and Jim's D. Mike and Jim


1. This is my friend. 2. This is a table.

3.That is her brother. 4.This is a book.

5.That is an eraser. 6.It is a red orange.

7.He is a teacher. 8. What’s this?


1. ____________________(李明的)parents work in a big hospital.

2. This is __________________________________(我妹妹的) Chinese book.

3. ______________________________(我的姐姐和弟弟的)rooms are very nice.

4. ___________________________(王平和王明的) father is a hotel manager.

5. Is this ___________________________________(你的好朋友的)pen ?

6. They are ___________________________________(Peter 和Sam的) teachers.

7. ___________________(教师节) is on September 10th .

8. ________________________________(学生们的) desks and chairs are very new.

9. ________________(赵敏的) shoes are white.

10. ________________________________(John和Sally的)mothers are American.

11. ______________________________(Tony哥哥的)computer is broken.

12. It’s ____________________________(妇女节) on March 8th.


只有不定冠词a (an)和定冠词the 两个,不用冠词叫零冠词。

1、不定冠词a和an : a用在辅音前,如 a pen a chair; an 用在元音前。an old teacher

an English book

注意辅音字母第一个音是元音的情况: F H L M N S X这七个字母的第一个音是元音在说一个以上字母时要用an, 如an“F” (一个F); 同时注意字母U,它是元音字母,但它的第一个音是辅音,因此说一个U,应为 a “U”

2、定冠词the: 当一个名词第二次出现时前面用the。

注意在三餐饭(breakfast、 lunch 、dinner )前不用the, 月份和星期前都不用the, 体育活动的球类运动前面不用the 。

如:have dinner \ in January \ December \ Sunday \ play basketball

play tennis (volleyball \ soccer \ Ping Pong \ chess \ baseball)

3、如单数可数名词前有this、that、my等代词修饰时, 则不再使用a或an。


一. 在下列句中空白处填入适当冠词,不需用冠词处划/。

1. What’s this? It’s _____ clock. 2.What’s that? It’s _____ alarm clock.

3. What is it? It’s _____ “w”. 4. My favorite subject is ______ P.E.

5. Jim’s mother is ______ Mrs. Green. She is ____ teacher.

6. Those pens are in ______ pencil-case. 7.Here’s ______ interesting family photo.

8. When does Lily go to ______ bed in ______evening?

9. There is _____ “h”,____ “o” and ____“w” in the word “how”.

10. This is _______ my English book. 11.Where is ______bag? It’s under _____ table.

12. I often go to ______ school at ______ 7:00. 13.Take ______ cup to ______ your mother.

14. They like playing ______ football.

15. What color is your coat? It’s ___orange. It’s ___orange coat.

16. Do you have _______ pingpong bat? Yes, I do.

17. Do you want to see _________ action movie? No, I want to play _______ chess.

18. When is his sister’s birthday? It’s _________ April _______ eleventh.

19. Does Bill like __________ hamburgers? No ,he doesn’t.

20. A:Let’s play soccer. B:I don’t have ______ soccer ball.

A:Well,let’s play _____drums. B: That sounds good.

21. Do you have ______Art Festival at your school? Yes, we do.

22. How much are ________ two hats? They are 10 dollars.

23. Rich often goes to see _______Beijing Opera on _______ weekends.

24. Can Tom play _________ piano? Yes, he can. Can he play _______ it well? No, he can’t.

25. When do people usually eat ______ breakfast? They usually have ______ it in _____ morning.


1、基数词 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen

2、序数词 first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth

口诀:1first, second, third特殊记;419th,注意fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth

2、整数则是去yie, th 如:twentieth

3、表示几十几,整数为基数词,个数为序数词 如:thirty-third fifty-fifth


1. Mr Green has ______ ( two ) daughters .2. Kate is Mr Green’s ______ ( one ) daughter.

3. There are ______ ( twelve ) months in a year.4. March is the _______ ( three ) month of a year .

5. They have ______ ( twenty ) computers.6. I can afford _______ (eight ) sweaters .

7. Mr Green’s ______ ( nine) store is very big .

8. --How old is your friend ?--She is( 12) years old . .

9. --How old is her father?-- He is(30) years old .

10. January the month of a year 11. February the month of a year

12. April themonth of a year 13. May themonth of a year

14. August the month of a year 15. December themonth of a year.



on:on sale (销售) \ on April 8th, (在四月八日) \ on the desk (在桌子上) \ on TV (在电视上)

in:in English (用英语) \ in the afternoon (在下午) \ in the case (在盒子里) \ T-shirt in red (红色T恤)\ be in the movie(出演这部电影)\ in September (在九月) be in our school music festival (参加我们学校的音乐节)

at:call sb.at 3356 (拨打3356找某人) \ at your school (在你们学校里) \ at Huaxing Clothes Store

(在华兴服装店)\ at a very good price (以非常优惠的价格) \ at six (六点钟) have a look at (看一看)

of:a set of (一串…) \ the photo of your family (你的全家照) \ lots of =a lot of (许多) \ date of birth(birthday)(生日)

with:with sb. (同某人一起) \ be good with (和…相处得好) \ help sb. with sth. (帮助某人做某事)

for:thanks for =thank you for (谢谢某人的….) \ bag for sports (运动包) \ pants for $30 (卖30元的裤子)\ see for yourself (亲自看看) \ for girls (对女孩子来说) \ like sth. for lunch (喜欢吃……当作午餐)

about:about Chinese history (有关中国历史)

under:under the desk (在桌子下面)



big (small) long (short) sad (happy) boring (interesting\funny ) exciting difficult

relaxing great healthy old (new) successful white (black,……..)


副词:除疑问副词外,本册的副词有only too very well often also really

副词only often also really 等在句中的位置都是在行为动词前面或是系动词的后面。


1、too 和also :too一般放在句子的末尾,also在行为动词前面或是系动词的后面。

2、well 和 good :两个词都有“好”的意思,但well 是副词,而good 是形容词,well修饰动词,放在动词的后面,good 修饰名词,放在名词的前面。如play basketball well speak English well a good student Good morning


连词:本册所学连词有and but or then

and 连接两个词或两个句子,表示前后的句子意思顺接。

如:I like thrillers and I like action movies.

but 连接两个句子,表示后面意思转折。

如:He likes tomatoes but she doesn’t like broccolis or 表示选择关系。如:Can you play the piano or the violin?



Spell it, please.

Please take these things to your sister.

Let’s play ping-pong.(tennis\basketball\volleyball)

Come and buy your clothes.

Have a look at Huaxing Clothes Store.



1、 动词的种类(四类)

(1)系动词 如 be动词(is am are);become,sound等

(2)情态动词 如 can 、may、need;

(3)助动词( do does);

(4)行为动词如 take 、bring、eat、have(has)、like、sell、buy、play、see、go、watch 等

2 动词的第三人称单数(与名词的复数一样

eat(eats) take (takes) buy (buys) play (plays) have(has) are (is)

3、 动词的时态(一般现在时 )



Are you a Chinese boy ? Is she twelve ? Is he Tim’s brother ?

含有be动词的句子在变否定句时只须在“be 动词后 not”注意:some→anyand→or

I’m not a Chinese boy. She isn’t twelve .

He is not Tim’s brother . Her mother isn’t an English teacher .

(2)含有情态动词的句子 can等,以can为例 ,

She can play basketball. His mother’s cousin can sing many English songs.


Can she play basketball ? Can his mother’s cousin sing many English songs ?


注意: some→anyand→or

例:She can not play basketball .

His mother’s cousin can not sing many English songs .


We have many friends. They watch TV at 7 in the evening .

The students take their books to school .

I have lunch at school . You have a sister .

1 含有行为动词的句子在变一般疑问句时要在原句子的前面加do.

Do you have many friends?

Do they watch TV at 7 in the evening?

Do the students take their books to school?

Do you have lunch at school?

Do you have a sister?

2 含有行为动词的句子在变否定句时只须在行为动词前加don’t .

注意: some→anyand→or

We don’t have many friends. They don’t watch TV at 7 in the evening .

The students don’t take their books to school .

I don’t have lunch at school . You don’t have a sister .

3 含有行为动词的句子,当主语是第三人称单数时,行为动词要加s (es)如:

She has a red pen . He has eggs for breakfast .

Her mother buys a skirt for her . She likes thrillers .

My brother watches TV every evening . He wants to go to a movie .

含有行为动词的句子,当主语是第三人称单数时,变一般疑问句要does ,行为动词要还原

Does she have a red pe ? Does he have eggs for breakfast?

Does her mother buy a skirt for her? Does she like soccer?

Does your brother watch TV every evening? Does he want to go to a movie?

含行为动词的句子,当主语是第三人称单数时,变否定句时在行为动词前面加doesn’t , 同时

原行为动词要还原 注意: some→anyand→or

She doesn’t have a red pen . He doesn’t have eggs for breakfast .

Her mother doesn’t buy a skirt for her . She doesn’t like thrillers .

My brother doesn’t watch TV every evening . He doesn’t want to go to a movie .

2、主语(非第三人称单数) 行为动词原形 其他 (用助动词do 帮助构成否定句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问)

主语(第三人称单数) 行为动词的第三人称单数 其他(用助动词does 帮助构成否定句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句)


(1)、一般情况,动词后直接加 s (清辅音后读 / s /,浊辅音后读/ z /)

例如:brings 带来 calls 打电话 meets 遇见 needs 需要

(2)、以字母 e 结尾的动词,直接加 s (读 / z /) 例如:likes 喜欢 takes 带走

(3)、以字母 s x ch sh o 结尾的动词,加 es ( 读 / z / / Iz/)

例如: does 做 goes 走,去 watches 观看

(4)、以“辅音字母 y”结尾的名词,变 y 为 i,加 es (读 / z /)

例如: study → studies 学习( 思考:enjoy play have 的第三人称单数形式是_______ )



1. I ______ a student. 2.________your father a worker? Yes, he_______.

3. They _________in the classroom. 4. This________ an apple.

5. Where _______ my books? 6. We_______ friends.

7. You_______ a good student. 8. These_______ her peas.

9. How much ______the T-shirt? 10. How much______ the socks?

11. Our mother ______forty. 12. You can _______ in our school music club.

13. I want to ______a teacher. 14. Let’s _______ friends.

15. He and I ______friends. 16. Tina _____ a student.

17. Mary and Tom _______ students. 18. Someone______ in the room.

19. Who ______ your brother? 20. When_______ your uncle’s birthday?

21. There ______ a girl in the room. 22. _______ there any kites in the classroom?

23. There _______ some bread on the plate.

24. There _______ a boy, two girls, three men and ten women in the park.

25. He ____ not like to study now. 26. -- ____ your sister like Beijing? -- Yes, she _____.

27. ____ Alice do her homework every day? 28. I _____ not want to study English at all

29. The man with big eyes _______ a teacher. 30. ______ your brother in the classroom?

31. When ______ Mary watch TV in the evening? 32. _________ you want to go to a movie?

33. Where _______ his dictionary and his pencil case? 34. This pair of gloves ______ for Yang Ling.

35. The two cups of milk _____ for me. 36. Some tea ______ in the glass.


1. He usually _____ (get) up at six in the morning.

2. Mike usually_________ (ride) a bike with his friends in the park.

3. He usually_______ (come) to school early.

4. I often_______ (have) rice, meat and vegetables.

5. My grandfather _______ (play) sports in the park.

6. Miss Li _________ (teach) English in our school.

7. The students of Class Four________(sing) a song on Monday.

8. Who_____ (want) to go swimming?

9. We________ (take) a shower in the evening.

10. How many lessons _______ your classmate______(have) on Monday?

11. _____ (do) she _____ (like) playing the violin? Yes, she_____ (do).

12. Alice and Jerry ________ _(not do) homework after school.

13. _______your mother_________(watch)TV every day?

14. _____your sister_____(know)English?

15. Mary________ ______ (not come) from America. She ____(come) from Britain.

16. Many people often _______ (listen) to the radio in the morning.

17. ________you _________ (brush) your teeth every morning.

18. What________ (do) he usually ________(do) after school?

19.______Mike sometimes ______(go) to the park with his sister.

20. _______Mike ________ (read) English every day?

21. The boy _________ (like) playing football.

22. She________ (write) to her mother once a week.

23. It _____ (rain) quite often during the month of July every year.

24. May I _____________(know) your address?

25. She _____________(like) fish ,but she _______________ ( not like ) meat .

26. Her mother is good at _____________ ( make ) cakes .

27. Mr Green wants ______________ ( buy ) a new watch .

28. Who _________(be) your English teacher?.

29. What kind of movies ________your grandfather ___________(want) to see?

30. He can ____________(do) Chinese Kung fu.

31. Who helps you ____________(look) after your daughter at home?

32. The child is good at ____________(play) chess.

33. My mother wants_______________(buy) a sweater.

34. What about ______________(go) to the shop?

35. Bob likes ______________(watch) TV.

36. Can you help kids with _____________(swim)?

37. Let’s _____________( sing) an English song.

38. I want ____________(join) the soccer club.

三. 把下列肯定句变成否定句、一般疑问句,并作简略回答。

1. They like computers .否:___________ 疑:____________? _________

2. He has a sports club .否:___________ 疑:____________? _________

3. We watch TV sometimes .否:___________ 疑:____________? _________

4.Tom often plays computers .否:___________ 疑:____________? _________

5. She has some basketballs .否:___________ 疑:____________? _________

6. I enjoy playing sports every day .否:___________ 疑:____________? _________

7. My daughter calls me sometimes .否:___________ 疑:____________? _________

8. The girl speaks English and Chinese . 否:___________ 疑:____________? _________

四.就划线部分提问是特殊疑问句(是特殊疑问词 一般疑问句)


What 什么对姓名,电话,东西提问 What class 班级对班级提问

What grade 年级对年级提问 What color 颜色对颜色提问

What time 几点钟对时间提问 Where 哪里对地点提问

Who 谁对人提问 Whose 谁的对物主提问

What does sb.look like? 询问某人的长相

What does sb. usually have for breakfast?问早餐吃什么

What does sb.do?询问某人的职业 What do you think of…?询问某人认为某事什么样

How do you like …?询问某人认为某事什么样

How 怎么样对fine提问 How old 多少岁对岁数提问

How many 多少对可数名词提问

How much 多少(1)对不可数名词提问(2) 对价格提问



1. My name is Gina. _______ ___________ name?

2. I’m fine. ________ _____________You?

3. It’s an orange. _________ _____________ in English?

4. My bag is red. _______ ________ is your bag?

5. This is “V”. ________ ______ in English?

6. O-R-A-N-G-E,orange. ________ _______ you ______ “orange”?

7. My telephone number is 6690678. _______ ______ telephone number?

8. Her name is Linda. ______ ______name?

9. My first name is Jack. ______ _______ first name?

10. She is my sister. ______ ______ she?

11. They’re on the floor. _______ ______ they?

12. The baseball is on the sofa. _______ ______ the baseball?

13. The keys are in the drawer. _______ ______ the keys?

14. I want a sweater. _______ ______ you ______?

15. These socks are two dollars. ______ ______ _____ these socks?

16. ---- Blue. _______ ______ do you want?

17. The T-shirt is seven dollars _______ ______ ______ the T-shirt?

18. My birthday is October tenth. _______ ______ _____ birthday?

19. Her birthday is June 8th. _______ ______ _____ birthday?

20. I’m thirteen. _______ ______ _____ you?

21. It's Monday today. _______ ______ is ______ today?

22. My school day is on October 18th. _______ ______ school day?

23. It’s August 8th. _______ ______ the date?

24. My favorite subject is Chinese . _______ ______ favorite subject?

25. Her favorite subject is English . _______ ______ favorite subject?

26. I like P.E. because it’s fun. _______ ______ you like P.E?

27. My music teacher is Miss Xie. _______ ______ music teacher?

28. His favorite sport is basketball. _______ ______ favorite sport?

29. I have rice and chicken. _______ ______ you ______ for lunch?

30. He likes P.E. best. _______ ______ he _____ best?


