无论是英语口语还是书面语我们都会经常用到“我认为”这个词,但是如果只会用I think(BABY,你就是我的唯一),特别是在英文写作中,会显得自己词穷、单调,太怂。让"I think"脱胎换骨的10法,总有一款适合你。


1.From my persective

From my perspective, however, it was a decision made, at least in part, out of pride.


2.As far as I'm concerned

As far as I'm concerned, the beige one is better. 就我而言, 米色的那个更好。

3.I'm of the opinion that

I'm of the opinion that health is far more important than money for most people.


4.From where I stand

From where I stand, what he said is reasonable. 依我看, 他说的话是有道理的。

5.I'm positive

I'm positive that this man stole the car. 我确信这个男人偷了那部车。

6.The way I see it

The way I see it, you shall keep up your piano practice. 依我看, 你应该坚持练习钢琴。

7.I believe

I believe that a journalist should be completely objective. 我认为新闻记者不应当有丝毫偏见。

8.In my point of view

In my point of view, dogs are man's best friends. 在我看来, 狗是人类最好的朋友。

9.I consider

I consider it useless discussing the matter with them. 我认为和他们讨论这件事没有用。


Personally, I could care less whether the Giants come or not. 就我个人来说,我根本就不在乎巨人队来还是不来。

“I think”的英文表达法在各种英语考试都用得上,万金油一般的存在。学英语学会应用很重要,只是死背一些英语单词是不够的,结合例句理解并且多运用自然而然就掌握了。



sometimes,some times,sometime,some time的
