爱吃辣的加拿大大叔 雅思托福10多年一线教学 中文说得还不错,头像是他家猫 在这里分享他原创的雅思写作干货 每篇范文都有配音,在同名公众号“英语考试Cat”



  1. Coherence: 连贯
  2. Cohesion: 衔接

对于雅思写作中的 Cohesion and Coherence,我们先看看雅思考试官网中对应的评分标准(5分):


  1. organization 组织
  2. progression 推进
  3. cohesive devices 衔接手段
  4. referencing 指代
  5. substitution 替换
  6. paragraphing 分段

Organization 组织

Organization refers to using a logical method to 'sort' your information, and that the organization of sentences go in a type of logical order (逻辑顺序). This is linked directly to ‘progression’. If you hear somebody count 1-2-3-, you would automatically assume the next number is a 4. This is progression. This means the reader can almost automatically follow your logical steps in thinking.

Cohesive devices 衔接手段

Cohesive devices means conjunctions (连词), signposting words (路标词), transition words and phrases (过渡词), and other words/phrases that allow for logical connections to be made, allow for transition of idea from one to the next, and signal a change in a direction.

Referencing 指代

Referencing is the term used to represent the use of ‘relative pronouns (关系代词)’. These nouns, such as this/that/there/which/it etc. are extremely useful as they help prevent the writer (or speaker) from repeating the subject (or object). Substitution (by a synonym or even by actually repeating the main term) can be used as well.

Paragraphing 分段

Paragraphing….a standard IELTS essay will have 4 clearly shown paragraphs. *If you are showing ‘progression’, using ‘cohesive devices’ effectively, ‘referencing’ properly, and ‘paragraphing’ correctly, you will get a 7 for Cohenrence & Cohension.

哪些词能帮我们建立cohesion (衔接)呢?



题目: The advantages of the spread of English as a global language will continue to outweigh its disadvantages. To what extend do you agree or disagree?

这是一个学生写的,在Coherence and Cohension方面,只能拿5分。



There is no doubt that English plays a vital role ininternational cooperation, whereby different nationalities can work together using the medium of English. In line with this, English has been tacitly set as the standard language for international conferences. By using the same ‘international’ language therefore, people can communicate with each other much more easily, and accordingly, allows for international cooperation to develop with less difficulty. This increase ininternational communication is reflected in the way people are informed about the news and in learning knowledge, as the English language also plays an increasingly important role in their transmission to ‘global’ citizens, and not just in greater communication between individuals.

(111 words)





