in the way of是句子的哪个成分(intheteeth)(1)

这两天一直在刮大风,搞得人灰头土脸睁不开眼,这一下就打击了大家出门儿拜访客户的热情......老板一看这架势哪儿行啊,就开始给大家打鸡血:"Though tired, but you should set off in the teeth of the wind."(虽然疲惫,但我知道你们都会迎难而上、逆风飞翔的!)

in the way of是句子的哪个成分(intheteeth)(2)

听了老板这话顿时满脑袋黑线......要不说他能当老板呢,全凭着这口才啊,这句话其实本意就是"虽然很累,但我知道你会顶着风出发的。"但是人家一语双关,巧妙地借用了"in the teeth of..."这个短语的含义,把一件平常的事儿说得热血沸腾一般~这下大家明白了吧,"in the teeth of..."就是带有“不顾危险、迎难而上或激流勇进”的含义,千万别理解成是“在什么什么的牙齿里”就成了。

in the way of是句子的哪个成分(intheteeth)(3)

in the teeth of something


【En】In spite of opposition or danger from something. 不顾反对或危险。 If you do something in the teeth of a difficulty or danger, you do it in spite of the difficulty or danger. 如果你在困难或危险中做某事,意思是尽管有困难或危险,还是要做。If something happens or is done in the teeth of difficulties, the difficulties cause problems but do not stop it. 如果在困难的关头发生或做了某事,困难会引起问题,但并没有阻止问题的发生。

in the way of是句子的哪个成分(intheteeth)(4)

【Scenario Listening 场景听力】

● Permission for the development was granted in the teeth of opposition from local shopkeepers.


● I was battling my way along the promenade in the teeth of a force ten gale.


● In the teeth of the longest recession since the 1930s, the company continues to perform well.


in the way of是句子的哪个成分(intheteeth)(5)

【Scenario Example 场景示例】

● Some people still believe vaccinations to be harmful in the teeth of thousands of scientific studies proving otherwise.


● In the teeth of the boss's disapproval, we decided to go forward with the project anyway.


● The plane turned into the teeth of a horrible storm.


in the way of是句子的哪个成分(intheteeth)(6)

● It's hard to be an optimist in the teeth of so much tragedy and turmoil in the news each day.


● She stuck to her position in the teeth of criticism by the board members.


● The tribe was in the teeth of starvation.


● The road was built in the teeth of fierce opposition from the public.


in the way of是句子的哪个成分(intheteeth)(7)

● The sailing boat could make little progress in the teeth of the wind.


● The ship was headed in the teeth of the gale.


● in the teeth of violent criticism he went ahead with his plan.


● Walking in the teeth of the wind, they made slow progress.


in the way of是句子的哪个成分(intheteeth)(8)

● The new policy was adopted in the teeth of fierce criticism.


● She didn't like it so well when she and her mother had to go up to the Castle in the teeth of the wind.


● Japan has been in the teeth of the storm of international trade frictions in recent years.


● How to win an argument in the teeth of opposition from the rightwing press?


in the way of是句子的哪个成分(intheteeth)(9)

● He is determined to maintain his support for the proposal in the teeth of popular condemnation.


● I simply do not have the manpower to make arrests in the teeth of such concerted action.


● Science has to cling to the available evidence even in the teeth of seeming contradiction.


● On stormy nights it had been exhilarating to fly in the teeth of the wind.


in the way of是句子的哪个成分(intheteeth)(10)

● Permission for the development was granted in the teeth of opposition from a vigorous local campaign.


● The state is in the teeth of the worst snowstorm in a decade.


● He walked right in the road in the teeth of advancing traffic and almost got hit several times.


in the way of是句子的哪个成分(intheteeth)(11)

in the way of是句子的哪个成分(intheteeth)(12)
