咱们能在茫茫人海中相遇,并相知相伴,是有原因滴。至于是啥原因嘛,当然是“birds of a feather flock together”。啥意思呢?来看看下面的对话:

- Well, I’m really into nature. I do yoga outside, I love having picnics by the river... What about you, what do you do?


- I’m an IT guy. So basically I spend most of my days by the computer. Are you into it?


- Not really. But my friend Ben, he’s obsessed with computers. You should meet him, let me see if he’s around, actually. I’m sure you’d love him! Birds of a feather flock together.


- Oh yeah, I’d love to meet him then!



‘Birds of a feather flock together’,也可以表达为birds of a feather fly together。它的意思是有相似兴趣或品味的人很容易组成群体。常见的两种用法:

to form groups with people with similar interests and tastes


people of same flavour or interest gets together in groups



I knew Mary and Mark would get along well, seeing as they both enjoy science fiction so much. Birds of a feather flock together.



I knew you and John would get along well—birds of a feather fly together, after all.


拓展一:Saying you are a certain number in the family and how to ask

Which number are you in the family/of your siblings?

I'm the fifth/third/8th.

I'm the second oldest.

I'm the third from the youngest.

I'm the second youngest in my family.

senior person (above 70);

Older (not elder) person (50-60)。

拓展二:difference between older & elder:

The oldest: the oldest child in the family

Firstborn- eldest of the family

• My sister Katy is the oldest in my family.

The baby: the youngest child in the family, even if they aren’t a baby anymore

• I'm the baby of the family.

The middle child: (if there three children) the child born after the eldest and before the youngest

The youngest: the youngest child in the family

Only child: single child, without brothers or sisters.






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