大家好,我是19号,微信公众号里我叫19号儿童英语。今天我们一起来用中英文阅读一部唯美英文经典绘本《I am a bunny》吧。

Hi, babe, come here, I found an interesting picture book and it's about a story of a bunny. 宝宝,过来,我发现一本有趣的绘本,它讲的是关于小兔子的故事。

let's do some reading, ok? 我们一起来读绘本好不好?

Excellent! Let's begin! Look at the first picture. 好极了,我们开始吧!先看第一幅图片。


This is the bunny. 这是那只小兔子。

His name is Nicholas. 他的名字叫Nicholas。

He lives in a hollow tree. 他住在一棵中空的树里。

This is the hollow tree. 这就是那棵中空的树。

In the tree, the mama bird is feeding a worm to her three babies. 在树上,鸟妈妈正在给她三个孩子喂虫子。


In spring, the bunny likes to pick flowers. 春天的时候,小兔子喜欢摘花。

Look, he is holding a little yellow flower in his hands. 你看,他手里正握着一朵黄色的花。

He is very happy in the beautiful garden full of white flowers and yellow flowers. 在这座充满白色和黄色花朵的花园里,小兔子非常开心。


In this picture, we can see many butterflies. 在这幅图片里,我们能看见很多蝴蝶。

Every butterfly has two colorful wings. 每一只蝴蝶都有一双绚丽的翅膀。

The butterflies and the bunny are good friends. 蝴蝶和小兔子是好朋友。

The bunny chases the butterflies and the butterflies chase him. 小兔子追蝴蝶,蝴蝶也追小兔子。


In summer, the bunny likes to lie in the sun and watch the birds. 夏天的时候,小兔子喜欢躺在阳光下看小鸟。

The birds are singing beautiful songs in the tree. 小鸟儿在树上唱着美丽的歌曲。

And there are many delicious strawberries in the grassland. 草地上有很多可口的草莓。


In summer, the bunny likes to go to the pond. 小兔子夏天喜欢去池塘边。

And he likes to watch the frogs in the pond. 他喜欢看池塘里的小青蛙。

The two frogs are sitting on the lotus leaves and the other frog is jumping into the water. 有两只青蛙坐在荷叶上,另外一只青蛙正跳进水里。


It's always riany in the summer. 夏天总是爱下雨。

When it rains, the bunny keeps dry under a toadstool.下雨的时候,小兔子在蘑菇下躲雨。

And sometimes, his good friend, the little frog, likes to stay with him in the rain. 有时候他的好朋友小青蛙喜欢在雨中陪着他。


Look at this picture! How beautiful it is! 快看这幅图片,多美啊!

The dandelion seeds are flying in the air. 蒲公英的种子在空中飞舞。

What's the bunny doing? 小兔子在干什么?

The bunny blows the dandelion seeds into the air. 小兔子把蒲公英的种子吹向空中。


When autumn comes, different kinds of leaves turn into red and yellow. 秋天的时候,各种树叶都变成了红色或黄色的叶子。

In the fall, the bunny likes to watch the leaves, falling from the trees. 秋天,小兔子喜欢看树叶从树上落下来。

The bunny also likes the sound of the falling leaves. 小兔子也喜欢落叶的声音。


In the fall, it's the season of harvest. 秋天是收获的季节。

The grassland turns into golden. 草地变成一片金黄色。

The bunny watches the animals getting ready for the winter. 小兔子看着动物们为过冬做好准备。


In winter, the weather gets cold and it often snows. 冬天天气变凉,还经常下雪。

To keep warm, the bunny wears his gloves and hat. 小兔子戴着手套和帽子保暖。

And when winter comes, the bunny watches the snow falling from the sky. 当冬天到来时,小兔子看着雪花从天空滑落。


How wonderful the life of the bunny is! 小兔子的生活真精彩!

He enjoys the nature of the four seasons. 他享受着大自然的春夏秋冬。

Then the bunny curls up in his hollow tree and dreams about spring. 小兔子蜷在树洞里睡着了,做着关于春天的梦。

Good job! Excellent! We have finished the picture book. I hope you like this bunny in the book and I would be very pleased if you could have a happy life just like the bunny. Now, let's have a rest.

