为了把化简长句难句,我设计了如下一些语块标识:< >状语或状语从句;[ ]定语或定语从句;{ }名词性结构或名词性从句;| 并列结构或并列句;【 】层次,等等,今天小编就来聊一聊关于一年级阅读短文森林大街及答案?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!



为了把化简长句难句,我设计了如下一些语块标识:< >状语或状语从句;[ ]定语或定语从句;{ }名词性结构或名词性从句;| 并列结构或并列句;【 】层次,等等。




这种语块的划分是相对的,没有统一标准,以适合理解为宜, 请读者在阅读中加深印象。至于少数生词和短语,只要不影响答题,考试时就不要纠缠,等讲评学习时再作深究。


2022 全国卷I C篇

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

【The elderly residents (居民) [in care homes in London] are being given hens <to look after> <to stop them feeling lonely>.

The project was dreamed up <by a local charity (慈善组织)><to reduce loneliness and improve elderly people’s wellbeing>. It is also being used to help patients [suffering dementia], {a serious illness of the mind}. Staff [in care homes] have reported a reduction <in the use of medicine> <where hens are in use>.】

【Among those [taking part in the project] is 80-year-old Ruth Xavier. She said: “I used to keep hens <when I was younger | and had to prepare their breakfast <each morning before I went to school>>.”

“I like the project a lot. I am down there <in my wheelchair> <<in the morning> letting the hens out | and down there again <at night> <to see they’ve gone to bed>>.

“It’s good to have a different focus. People have been bringing their children in <to see the hens> || and residents come and sit outside <to watch them>.

I’m enjoying the creative activities, || and it feels great {to have done something useful.”}

There are now 700 elderly people [looking after hens <in 20 care homes> <in the North East>], || and the charity has been given financial support <to roll it out countrywide>.】

Wendy Wilson, extra care manager <at 60 Penfold Street>, {one of the first to embark on the project}, said: “Residents really welcome the idea [of the project] | and the creative sessions. We are looking forward to the benefits and fun [the project can bring to people here.]”

Lynn Lewis, director of Notting Hill Pathways, said: “We are happy to be taking part in the project. It will really help connect our residents <through a shared interest and creative activities>.”

28. What is the purpose of the project? (意图态度题)

A. To ensure harmony in care homes. 保持和谐

B. To provide part-time jobs for the aged. 提供临时工作

C. To raise money for medical research. 为医学研究筹钱

D. To promote the elderly people’s welfare. 增进福祉幸福感

29. How has the project affected Ruth Xavier? (事实细节题)

A. She has learned new life skills. 学会新技能

B. She has gained a sense of achievement. 有了成就感

C. She has recovered her memory. 恢复了记忆

D. She has developed a strong personality. 养成了坚强的个性

30. What do the underlined words “embark on” mean in paragraph 7? (词义猜测题)

A. Improve. 提高

B. Oppose. 反对

C. Begin. 开始

D. Evaluate. 评估

31. What can we learn about the project from the last two paragraphs? (推理判断题)

A. It is well received. 被人接受

B. It needs to be more creative. 更需创造性

C. It is highly profitable. 非常赢利

D. It takes ages to see the results. 很久才能见效








第1段:伦敦一家养老院要老人养鸡,are being given hens <to look after>;

第2段:其目的是“减少孤独,提高幸福感”<to reduce loneliness and improve elderly people’s wellbeing>. “也可帮助老年痴呆患者”,It is also being used to help patients [suffering dementia]。


第3-6段:80岁老人Ruth Xavier的感受;

第7段: 700多类似老人受益。







the purpose of 可知是意图态度题,就“意图或目的,态度或立场”等内容提问。“办这个项目的目的”要到第一层次“说一件事”中去找答案。根据第一段的目的状语<to stop them feeling lonely>和第二段的目的状语improve elderly people’s wellbeing,选D.To promote the elderly people’s welfare。



3.选项C是由第二段a reduction <in the use of medicine>延伸的“偷梁换柱”干扰项。减少了药物的使用,而不是“为医学研究筹钱”。


事实细节题。the project affected Ruth Xavier要到第二层次“举几个例”中寻求答案。根据第六段it feels great {to have done something useful.”选B.She has gained a sense of achievement.

1.由第三段I used to keep hens,过去养过鸡,排除A。

2. suffering dementia患老年痴呆是第一层次的内容,与Ruth Xavier无关,C.属“无中生有”或“张冠李戴”。



词义猜测题。由the first to embark on the project可知是创始人的意思,选C. Begin.

embark on是“着手,开始做某事”的意思。


分析What can we learn about 是推理判断题,指明了去the last two paragraphs里找相关信息。根据第八段“really welcome the idea ...... | and the creative sessions.”和第九段“We are happy....... It will really help......”等词语信息,选A. It is well received.


2. 由第八段“looking forward to the benefits and fun”排除D.

3.D. It takes ages to see the results.是“以偏概全”。result效果是多方面的。虽然目前不盈利,但老人们的身心健康、医疗费用下降等效果是显而易见的。


