海豚 dolphin

鲸 whale

虎鲸,食人鲸 orca / killer whale

鲨鱼 shark

剑鱼 swordfish

金枪鱼 tuna

鲈鱼 bass

鳕鱼 cod

鳗鱼 eel

章鱼 octopus

带鱼 hairtail

鱿鱼 squid

比目鱼 flatfish

鲍鱼 abalone

海参 sea cucumber

海胆 sea urchin

海葵 sea anemone

海蜇,水母 jellyfish

海星 starfish

海马 seahorse

虾 shrimp

海藻 seaweed

螃蟹 crab

蚌类,贻贝 mussel

蛤蛎 clam


You can pay to swim with dolphins. 你可以付费和海豚一起游泳。

Have you had raw tuna before? 你以前吃过生金枪鱼吗?

I saw octopuses when I was scuba diving. 我潜水时看到了章鱼。

The squid is very tough. 这鱿鱼非常硬。

These mussels are so fresh. 这些贻贝很新鲜。

These jellyfish are so beautiful. 这些水母太漂亮了。

