







What is "ice cream Assassin"? What is the current situation of buying ice cream? "Ice cream Assassin" stems from a netizen's mood after buying an ice cream. This is his true understanding after buying an ice cream. The ugly ice cream hidden in the ice cream is so expensive that you doubt your life. It is like the feeling of an assassin's sword stabbing you at an ice cream. This is what "ice cream Assassin" means. The current situation of buying ice cream is that people don't take any ice cream they don't know. They think they have taken an unknown ice cream, but when they pay, they will make you feel embarrassed. This also illustrates the current ice cream price trend. The previous five yuan.The above-mentioned ice creams are very luxurious. Nowadays, there are only a dozen ice creams, so don't take any ice cream you don't know. There are always many "ice cream Assassin" stems on the Internet from time to time. Although these stems make you feel funny, they are very real. During this period of time, the "ice cream Assassin" stem has become very popular on the Internet. It must have been seen when you brush your mobile phone. Many people may not know what the "ice cream Assassin" means. We also briefly introduced the source of the "ice cream Assassin" stem, which describes that the prices of many ice cream in the market are like assassins. Everyone thinks that eating ice cream in summer is no longer fragrant. When we were young, the 50 cent popsicles were very delicious. At that time, the price of ice cream was sky high at 10 yuan, but now the price of ice cream is always more than 10 yuan. Therefore, when we went to buy ice cream, we deliberately avoided these famous ice cream brands, but we didn't expect that the payment was still heartbreaking. These "ice cream assassins" ambushed in these ice cream, and we would be cheated if we were not careful. So we have also come to the conclusion that you should never take ice cream you don't know, or you just want to ask the price so as not to make you unhappy. With the rising prices, the price of ice cream is so expensive that people think it's outrageous. Now we don't eat ice cream, but these "ice cream assassins". Have you ever encountered such a situation?

