An Immersion Night Tour on the Lishui River!

#TheGreatBeautyofGuangdong During the May Day holiday, Nanhai district of Foshan in Guangdong, China used the fascination of water to give its tourists a wonderful night.

The district held a splendid show titled “The legend of Li Shui” to offer the tourists an unforgettable experience. With the successful application of the latest light and shadow technology, the fabulous show used the new light and shadow boat to carry the tourists while floating down the river. The lion dance, Cantonese opera, and other haunting performances, which combined the city light, art light, and performing art light together, amazed the local visitors and tourists alike. On both sides of the Lishui River, a total of nine performance scenes were created as part of the show. They revealed a striking view of Lingnan water village.


【大美广东】An Immersion Night Tour on the Lishui River!里水河:行浸式夜游梦幻起航



“里水花月夜”取南海里水的“水因子”,在现代光影技术的加持下,以新型光影游船为载体,以“城市灯光 艺术灯光 演艺灯光”为纽带,同时将醒狮、粤剧等非遗元素融入演出,在里水河两岸打造“鸣鼓醒狮”“幻境入梦”“花间恋月”“鼓舞问道”“水岸花语”“戏梦情深”“声动南粤”“芯语心愿”“花开天下”九大表演场景,舒展一幅幅别具韵味的岭南水乡画卷。

文/羊城晚报全媒体记者 黄松炜 张闻

视频/羊城晚报全媒体记者 黄松炜
