
Every September, a small city appears (出现) in a desert in the US. It is only there for nine days. Then itdisappears (消失)in a fire. What happens? Let’s read on.

Black Rock City

This is Black Rock City (黑石城). Every year, people gather here for theBurning Man Festival (火人节). There is a huge wooden man and a woodentemple (寺庙)in the center of the city. They areburned (被烧毁)at the end of the festival.


People there are “burners (燃烧者)”. They sing and dance around the burning wooden man. Everyone Looks so happy and relaxed.

The wooden temple is the “Temple of Tears”. People burn it for their families and friends who died.

Look, artists in the festival create (制造) many amazing works.

Isn’t this car so cool?


Wow, here comes a big dinosaur.


Here, you can dress up as an animal, superstar or even a monster. No one will laugh at you.



The only things you can buy are ice and coffee. So you must bring your own tent and food. Sometimes you may need to share them with others. Remember to say “thanks” with a big smile.


No trash

When people leave the city, they will take away all the trash.

Have a go

What can you buy in Black Rock City?

A. coffee B. noodles C. tent



Word bank 词汇

gather / ɡæðɚ/ 聚集

monster /ˈmɑ:nstə(r)/ 怪物

tent /tɛnt/ 帐篷

share /ʃer / 分享

trash /træʃ/ 垃圾


文章摘录自21世纪学生英文报 小学
