每日英语学习——(fo&fu)1.佛口蛇心:a Buddha’s mouth but a viper’s heart-honeyed words but evil intent,今天小编就来聊一聊关于从零开始学英语abcdef?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!




1.佛口蛇心:a Buddha’s mouth but a viper’s heart-honeyed words but evil intent

2.佛头着粪:smear Buddha’s head with dung-desecrate

3.佛争一炷香,人争一口气:As Buddha needs incense, so man needs self-respect.

4.夫唱妇随:the husband sings and the wife follows- domestic harmony; conjugal felicity

5.夫子自道:what the Master says is a description of himself

6.肤皮潦草:cursory; casual; perfunctory

7.敷衍了事:play at

8.敷衍塞责:perform one’s duty in a perfunctory manner

9.扶老携幼:holding the old by the arm and the young by the hand; bringing along the old and the young

10.扶危济困:help those in distress and aid those in peril

11.扶摇直上:soar on the wings of a cyclone; rise steeply; skyrocket

12.芙蓉出水:a lotus flower just appearing above the water

13.拂袖而去:leave with a flick of one’s sleeve-go off in a huff

14.浮而不实:giddy and insincere; an empty show

15.浮光掠影:skimming over the surface; hasty and casual; cursory

16.浮皮蹭痒:scratching the surface; superficial

17.浮生如梦:this fleeting life of ours is like an empty dream

18.浮想联翩:think great thoughts

19.福如东海:happiness as boundless as the eastern seas

20.福无双至,祸不单行:Blessing never come in pairs; misfortunes never come singly

21.福至心灵:When good fortune comes, the mind works well.

22.抚今追昔:recall the past and compare it with the present; reflect on the past in the light of the present

23.俯拾即是:be easily available; can be found everywhere

24.俯首甘为孺子牛:head bowed; like a willing ox I serve the children

25.俯首帖耳:be docile and obedient; be all obedience

26.俯仰由人:be at other’s beck and call

27.俯仰之间:in the twinkling of an eye; in an instant; in a flash

28.釜底抽薪:attack a problem at the root; remove the source of trouble

29.釜底游鱼:a fish swimming in the bottom of a cauldron- a person whose fate is sealed

30.辅车相依:as dependent on each other as the jowls and the jawbone; as close as the jowls and the jaws

31.父母之命,媒妁之言:the command of parents and the good offices of a go-between; the proper way to contracting a marriage

32.付之一炬: burn;commit to the lames

33.付之一笑:laugh away; dismiss with a laugh

34.付诸实践:put into practice

25.付诸实施:put into practice; put into effects

26.付诸行动:put into practice

27.负荆请罪:proffer a birch and ask for a flogging-offer a humble apology

28.负隅顽抗:untrue; heartless stubbornly with one’s back to the wall; put up a desperate struggle

29.负重致远:bear a heavy burden and go a long way——shoulder heavy responsibilities


31.附赘悬疣:swelling tumors and protruding wens—superfluities

32.赴汤蹈火:go through fire and water; take all risks

33.富丽堂皇:majestic; great; splendid

34.富民政策:policy of enriching people; policy to enrich people

35.腹背受敌:be attacked front and rear

36.覆巢无完卵:when the nest is overturned, no egg stays unbroken—when disaster befalls a family, no member can escape unscathed

37.覆盆之冤:a wrong that can never be righted; irremediable wrong

38.覆水难收:spilt water can’t be gathered up-what is done can’t be undone
