


评论翻译Jamie OrionIndia definitely has the oldest culture. Theres recorded history that goes to 12,000 BC.印度绝对是世界上最古老的文明,印度有记载的历史可以追溯到公元前12000年anupam SinhaIt's totally false你说的是完全错误的isjsuExaggerated太夸张了anupam SinhaIndia is the oldest country in the world印度是世界上历史最悠久的国家Àĥmëđ Ëbŕäĥím@anupam Sinha Egypt and Iraq埃及和伊拉克才是bobablxssomI feel like Greece, Italy, China and Egypt and India are the oldest我觉得希腊、意大利、中国、埃及和印度是最古老的国家Sarika Sanskrit ClassesIt's truth because I am Indian他说的是真的,因为我是印度人Ahmad Najri@stilxfound sir, India is number 2 and Egypt number 1,最古老的国家是埃及,印度应该排第二原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处Chocolaty Pie@anupam Sinha lmao India is not that old where Taxila is the oldest city in south Asia and which is in Pakistan印度没有那么古老,塔克西拉是南亚最古老的城市,这座城市的遗址位于巴基斯坦prajwalindia is oldest there is evidence.有证据显示印度是最古老的国家原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处Cappuccino!Gurl Egypt is the first country埃及才是人类历史上第一个国家Ibrahim PallikkalThere are some countries that older than india有一些国家的历史要比印度更加古老原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处Wolverine23India has historically been as many separate nations as Greece. It has never been a single country.历史上,和希腊一样,印度这片土地上也存在着许多不同的国家。印度从来就不是一个国家Abdix YegetaEthiopia is the Oldest Empire / Country of All Countries Even Ethiopia is Older than Egypt and India !!!!埃塞尔比亚是所有国家中最古老的,甚至比埃及和印度都要古老تعز العز YemenEgypt is more older than india埃及比印度更加古老原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处Ashika RautThe Mauryan (322-185 BCE) and Gupta (320-550 CE) empires of India united large areas of the subcontinent. Ashoka's reign spread Buddhism far and Wide in the world.印度的孔雀帝国和笈多帝国统一了印度次大陆上的大片地区,在阿育王统治时期,佛教被传播到了世界各地Rome316AEDude do you know about india? India was United multiple times by mauryan empire, gupta empire, palla empire, Delhi sultanate, mughal empire and maratha empire兄弟,你了解印度吗?孔雀帝国,笈多帝国、帕拉帝国、德里苏丹,莫卧儿帝国和马拉地帝国曾多次统一过印度。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处Wolverine23@Rome316AE yes Dude, I know, Most parts of the Modern India was united by them. but None of them ruled the whole of India.是的,我知道,他们统一了现代印度的大部分地区。但他们当中没有一个统治过全印度。ジョアス (Joás )great civilizations Egypt and India from Brazil hello伟大的印度文化和埃及文明,来自巴西的问候sumit guptaLove from INDIA来自印度的爱Shivansh KaranLol, Egypt today is not the same. It's completely Islamized哈哈,现在的埃及已经不是过去的埃及了,它已经彻底伊斯兰化了BioFirst oldest civilization Mesopotamia civilization, Egypt, the Indus valley, and China最古老的文明是美索不达米亚文明,埃及文明,印度河文明和中华文明RuthiealIndus valley civilization is In Pakistan. Not India.印度河文明在巴基斯坦,不在印度
