因为 because, since, as, for位于 lie in, be located/situated in,今天小编就来聊一聊关于英语常考同义词不同用法?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!



因为 because, since, as, for

位于 lie in, be located/situated in

分发 hand out, give out, distribute

独自 alone, by oneself, on one's own

经历 undergo, experience, go through

优点 advantage, strong points, strength

感激 appreciate, be grateful/thankful to sb

免费 for free, for nothing, free of charge

容纳 admit, accommodate, contain, hold, seat

适合 be suited to, be suitable for, be fit for

处理 deal with, do with, cope with, handle

记住 keep/bear sth. in mind, leam sth. by heart

充当 act as, serve as, work as , function as

确保 see to it that, make sure that, ensure that

当心 watch out, look out, take care, be careful

提前 ahead of time, ahead of schedule, in advance

表明 indicate, suggest, show, imply, make clear

大约 about, some, around, or so, approximately

依靠 depend on, rely on, be dependent on, count on

总计 total to, come to, amount to, add up to, reach

熬夜 stay up, sit up, be up late/far/deep into the night

考虑 take account of, take sth. into account/consideration

建立 establish, found, build, create, set up, put up

缺点 disadvantage, weak points, weakness, drawback

说服 talk/persuade sb. into doing sth., persuade sb. to do sth.

沮丧 depressed, discouraged, blue, down, disappointed

厌烦 be bored with, be fed up with, be tired of, be sick of

偶然 by chance, by accident, accidentally, once in a while

鉴于 seeing that, given (that) , considering sth/that, in view of sth

发生 happen, occur, come about, take place, go on, break out

控制 keep/bring sth under control, take control of, have power over

立即 in no time, at once, right away, straight away, immediately

替代 replace, stand for, substitute for, take the place of, represent

尽管 although, though, even though, while, despite, in spite of

再三 repeatedly, again and again, over and over (again), time and again,

只要 providing (that) , provided (that) , on condition that, as long as, so long as

区分 identify, tell/distinguish...from..., tell/distinguish the difference between... and...

首先 first, firstly, first of all, in the first place, to begin/start with, for one thing

总之 in short, in conclusion, to conclude, in a word, to sum up, on all accounts

完成 fulfill, accomplish, finish, complete, get through with sth., go through with sth.

重视 pay more attention to, lay/put/place emphasis on,attach importance/significance to

疲劳 be exhausted, be worn out, be tired out, (legs) give out, be used up, be run out of

反对 be against, oppose, object to, be opposed to, argue against, take (make) a stand against

参加 take, attend, join sb, join in, take part in, get involved in, participate in, go in for

赞成 be for, favor, in favor of, approve of, on one's side, argue for, take (make) a stand for

关于 about, concerning, involving, regarding, related/relating to, with respect to, with/in regard to

由于 owing to, due to, on account of, thanks to, because of, as a result of, as a consequence of

导致 cause, lead to, result in, bring about/on, contribute to, account for, give birth to, give rise to

决不 at no time by no means in/under no circumstances in no way/case on no condition/account

许多 a great many, a large number of, numbers of, many a, plenty of,

a great deal of, a large amount of, large amounts of, a lot of, lots of, a large quantity of,

large quantities of, a mass of, masses of

喜欢 be fond of, enjoy, take delight/pleasure in, be interested in, have/take (an) interest in,

be into, care for, be crazy about, be mad about, be keen on/about, be addicted to,

be hooked on, have a passion for, have a great enthusiasm for, have an preference for

做调查 do/conduct/carry out a survey/an investigation

有害于 do/cause damage to, be harmful to, be bad for

致力于 bend/devote/apply/commit/offer oneself to doing sth

事实上 actually, in reality/truth/effect/fact, as a matter of fact

有益于 do good to, benefit, be of benefit to, be beneficial to

主要地 mainly, chiefly, mostly, largely, primarily, principally

开始做 go about doing, set about doing, get down to doing, set out to do

不得不 can't but do, can't help but do, do nothing but do, have no choice/alternative but to do

尽全力 do/try one's best, spare no effort, make every effort, do what/all that/everything that sb can,

go all out, strain every nerve

我认为 I think/guess/believe, I hold/take the view/point/idea, from where I stand, as far as I'm concerned, personally speaking, from my point of view

偶然发现 come across/upon, run into/across

高度评价 speak highly of, sing high praise for

解决问题 solve/settle/fix/work out the problem

不能容忍 can't bear/stand/tolerate/put up with/live with

由…组成 consist of, be made up of, be composed of

照料,照顾 care for, take care of, look after, attend to, tend on .

对…影响 affect, influence, have an impact/effect/influence on/upon

一点也不 not at all, far from, nowhere near, anything but, not nearly

忽然想到 sth come to sb sth occur to sb sb hit on sth sth strike sb

提出问题 bring forward/put forward/raise/come up with/bring up a problem

禁止…做… forbid sb. to do sth., stop/keep/prevent/ban/prohibit sb. from doing

有吸引力 attract, appeal to, be appealing to, be attractive to, be attracted to

帮助某人 help sb., give/offer/lend sb. a hand, come to one's help/ assistance/aid/rescue

对…负责 be in charge of, take charge of, be responsible for, take responsibility for

两个月后 in two months, two months away, in two-month time, in two months' time

把…当成 see/view/regard/treat/consider/have/think of/look on/refer to/count on sth. (sb. ) as

一…就… on/upon doing/noun. the moment/instant/minute/second=immediately=directly=instantly as soon as Hardly/Scarcely had sb/sth done…when sb/sth did No sooner had sb/sth done…than sb/sth did

达成协议 make/reach/arrive at/come to/work out an agreement, make terms, come to terms

充分利用 make full use of, make the most of, take advantage of, make the best (use) of

除此以外 in addition (to) , besides, apart from, what's more, moreover, furthermore, on top of,

but, except, other than

留下印象 impress sth on sb, impress sb with with, make/leave a deep impression on sb.

全神贯注 centre/focus/concentrate on, fix one's attention on, put one's heart into,

be absorbed/buried/lost/engaged/occupied in

与…有联系 be associated/linked/connected with, be related to, have sth. to do with

做事有难度 have difficulty/trouble (in) doing sth., have trouble/difficulty with sth.

担心;焦虑 be worried about, be concerned about, be anxious about

耗尽,用光 use sth up, run out of sth. sth give out, exhaust

越小心越好 can't be too careful/more careful/careful enough

满足…的需要 meet/satisfy/suit/fulfill/cater to one's need

与…保持联系 keep/stay in touch/contact with, keep track of

怀有…的希望 in hope(s) of, in the hope of, in the hope that.,

摆脱…的习惯 kick/break/get out of/fall out of the habit of doing sth.

促进…的发展 accelerate/promote/stimulate/advance the development of sth.

提高…的意识 raise/increase/sharpen/strengthen/awake/arouse people's awareness of

养成…的习惯 form/fall into/get into/pick up/develop/slide into the habit of doing sth.

与…和谐相处 live in harmony with, be at peace with, live in peace with, get on/along well with

随着时间的推移 as time goes on/by, with time going on/by

面临、遭遇困难 be faced with/face/confront/encounter difficulty.

一个名叫杰克的男孩 a boy named/called/with the name/by the name of Jack

随着经济的快速发展 with the rapidly economic development, with the rapid development of economy,

with economy developing rapidly
