sensation英 [senˈseɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [senˈseɪʃ(ə)n],今天小编就来聊一聊关于注意力机制的英语?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!




英 [senˈseɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [senˈseɪʃ(ə)n]

n. 感觉,知觉;感觉能力,知觉能力;(某种经历所产生的)整体感觉,总体印象;轰动,引起轰动的人(或事)

[ 复数 sensations ]

sensation [ sen'seiʃən ] unelaborated elementary awareness of stimulation"a sensation of touch"

同义词: esthesis aesthesis sense experience sense impression sense datum

someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field同义词: ace adept champion maven mavin virtuoso genius hotshot star superstar whiz whizz wizard wiz

a general feeling of excitement and heightened interest"anticipation produced in me a sensation somewhere between hope and fear"

a state of widespread public excitement and interest"the news caused a sensation"

the faculty through which the external world is apprehended同义词: sense sentience sentiency sensory faculty

以上来源于: WordNet


pleasant sensation 快感

visual sensation 视觉

tactile sensation 触觉;质感

auditory sensation 听觉

n. [生理]感觉;轰动;感动consciousness , feel

词根: sense

adj.sensible 明智的;明显的;意识到的;通晓事理的

sensational 轰动的;耸人听闻的;非常好的;使人感动的

sensory 感觉的;知觉的;传递感觉的

senseless 愚蠢的;无知觉的;无意识的

sensing 敏感的

sensorial 知觉的;感觉的

sensate 可感觉的;知觉的

adv.senselessly 毫无知觉地;无意识地;不省人事地

n.sense 感觉,官能;观念;道理;理智

sensible 可感觉到的东西;敏感的人

sensor 传感器

sensibility 情感;敏感性;感觉;识别力

sensing 传感;感觉;测知

sensationalism 追求轰动效应;哗众取宠

sensationalist 感觉论者

v.sensing 感觉,了解(sense的现在分词)

vt.sense 感觉到;检测

sensibilize 使感觉敏锐sentiment, sensation, feeling, passion, emotion


sentiment n.思想感情,情绪,感情色彩,指由于某种思想唤起的感情,强调主观作用,有时候也带有理智成分。

When our grandmother died, we remembered her life with strong sentiment.当祖母逝世时,我们深深地怀念她的一生。

sensation n.指人体感官受到外部刺激时产生的感觉,知觉。

When she watched the film, she had the sensation that she was in a moving car.她看电影时,感觉自己正坐在一辆开动的汽车上。

feeling n.指一般的情绪、感觉,它一般不反映感情的本质和强度。

passion n.激情,热情,欲望,极度的仇恨,指强烈的爱好、愤怒或情欲。

He spoke with passion about the love of freedom.他满腔热情地谈论着对自由的热爱。

emotion n.情感,感情,指喜怒哀乐等较激动的情绪,表示某物引起的激动。

He felt mixed emotions when he thought of her.当他想起她时便产生一种复杂的感情。

sentiment, sensation, feeling, passion, emotion


sentiment n.思想感情,情绪,感情色彩,指由于某种思想唤起的感情,强调主观作用,有时候也带有理智成分。

When our grandmother died, we remembered her life with strong sentiment.当祖母逝世时,我们深深地怀念她的一生。

sensation n.指人体感官受到外部刺激时产生的感觉,知觉。

When she watched the film, she had the sensation that she was in a moving car.她看电影时,感觉自己正坐在一辆开动的汽车上。

feeling n.指一般的情绪、感觉,它一般不反映感情的本质和强度。

passion n.激情,热情,欲望,极度的仇恨,指强烈的爱好、愤怒或情欲。

He spoke with passion about the love of freedom.他满腔热情地谈论着对自由的热爱。

emotion n.情感,感情,指喜怒哀乐等较激动的情绪,表示某物引起的激动。

He felt mixed emotions when he thought of her.当他想起她时便产生一种复杂的感情。


News of his arrest caused a sensation.


Floating can be a very pleasant sensation.


The pain was so bad that she lost all sensation.


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