
inadvertent 英 [ˌɪnədˈvɜːtnt] 美 [ˌɪnədˈvɜːrtnt] adj. 疏忽的;不注意的(副词inadvertently);无意中做的

考点1: adj.偶然发生的: happening by chance

e.g. an inadvertent encounter with a rattlesnake 偶遇响尾蛇

: casual, fluky, incidental, unintentional, unplanned, unpremeditated, unwitting

: calculated, deliberate, intended, intentional, planned, premeditated 有计划的,有预谋的

考点2: adj.疏忽的,不留意的: marked by unintentional lack of care

e.g. The military has said it was an inadvertent error. 军方表示这是个疏忽大意的错误

: careless, feckless, heedless, irreflective, thoughtless, uncaring

: advertent, careful, heedful, mindful 留意的,小心的

pallid 英 [ˈpælɪd] 美 [ˈpælɪd] adj. 苍白的;暗淡的;无生气的

考点1: adj.无生气的,缺乏活力的: lacking in radiance or vitality; dull

e.g. The movie is a pallid version of the classic novel.这部经典小说改编的电影很苍白无力。

: piquant兴奋的

考点2: adj.苍白无血色的: having an abnormally pale or wan complexion

e.g. a pallid girl who looked as though she'd never seen the sun 一个面色苍白的姑娘,仿佛从来没有晒过太阳

: ashen, ashy, blanched, pasty, wan

: rubicund, blooming, florid, flush, full-blooded, glowing, ruddy, sanguine 红I润的

fathom 英 [ˈfæðəm] 美 [ˈfæðəm] n. (测量水深的长度单位)英寻 v. 彻底了解;测量……的深度

考点1: vt.测量(深度): to measure the depth of (as a body of water) typically with a weighted line

e.g. The pilot had to continually fathom the river, which drought conditions had lowered to unprecedented levels舵手不得不时刻注意河水深度,因为干旱己经使水深下降到了前所未有的程度

: plumb

考点2: vt.彻底理解,弄懂: to penetrate and come to understand

e.g. unable to fathom the what he was talking about 无法弄懂他在说什么

: apprehend, cognize, comprehend, grasp, know, understand

: misunderstand 误解

: fathomable adj可测量的;可知晓的

abreast 英 [əˈbrest] 美 [əˈbrest] adv. 并肩地;并排地,并列地;跟上(最近新闻、思想或信息) adj. 并肩的;并排的,并列的;跟上(最近新闻、思想或信息)

考点1: adv.并排地: beside one another with bodies in line

e.g. a group of youths riding four abreast四个一排骑着车的孩子们

: alongside, side by side

: aimlessly, desultorily, erratically, haphazardly, irregularly, randomly, willy-nilly 随意地

考点2: adj.熟知的: up to a particular standard or level especially of knowledge of recent developments

e.g. She tried to keep abreast of the latest fashion trends. 她总是尽可能地跟上时尚的潮流。

: acquainted, conversant, informed, knowledgeable, versed, well-informed

: ignorant, unacquainted, unfamiliar, uninformed, unknowledgeable 无知的,不熟悉的

lugubrious 英 [ləˈɡuːbriəs] 美 [ləˈɡuːbriəs] adj. 悲哀的,悲惨的

考点: adj.(故作夸张的)悲哀的: mournful, dismal, or gloomy, especially to an exaggerated or ludicrous degree

e.g. his lugubrious tear-stained face他忧郁而带着泪痕的脸庞

: deploring, doleful, dolorous, lamentable, melancholy, morose, plaintive, rueful, saturnine, sullen, woeful

: cheerful, delighted, jocund, jovial 快乐的
