


  1. 书信写作总揽


  1. the heading 信端
  2. the inside address 信内地址
  3. the salutation 称谓
  4. the body 正文
  5. the close 结尾
  6. the signature 签名


Hefei xxx College

8 Renmin Road

Hefei 230001

the heading信端:包括发信人地址与日期 China

30 July, 2021

Mr. Peter Newmark

Building 2-208, Fuxing Road

Haidian District, 100018 inside address:信内地址,即收信人地址

Beijing, China


Dear Newmark, the salutation:称谓

I’m writing to extend our formal invitation to you to our Farewell Cocktail Party for the president of our company, the leader of the Chinese Delegation, who will leave for Europe shortly. At the party, he will give a brief speech on the purpose of his visit there and then would like to talk with you about the matter related to our two companies.

We would be pleased if you could join us in this Farewell Cocktail Party which is to take place at 5:30—7:30 on Monday, 31st July, 2021 at Hilton Hotel.

We are looking forward to the pleasure of seeing you. the body:主体部分

the close:结束语 Yours truly,

Li Ming

the signature:签名

Note: ①年份需写完整形式,不能用11代替2011

②月份可用缩写形式,但其后要加.如Aug., Oct. (May, June, July没有缩写形式

③日期写法有地域差异,英式写法为:日、月、年;美式写法为月、日、年。日期的表达方式有以下几种:July 30, 2011; 30th July, 2011; 30 July, 2011. 请注意:日期与年份总是有逗号隔开,但月份与日期之间没有逗号。
