Since the latter half of the last century, many developed countries have become increasingly dependent on finance. Faced with a lack of vitality and innovation in their industries and waning international competitiveness, these countries have become increasingly reliant on financial operation and macroeconomic policies as a means of sustaining economic growth.
从这个例子的原句分析看,“实体产业的活力和创新力不足,国际竞争力减弱,经济增长日益依赖于金融运作,依赖于政府的‘宏观经济政策’”是对 “许多发达国家经济越来越具有‘金融依赖’性”的解释,因此,我们可以把原句中的“上世纪中后期以来,许多发达国家经济越来越具有‘金融依赖’性”这部分翻译成独立的句子,也就是:Since the latter half of the last century, many developed countries have become increasingly dependent on finance,然后,再把原句的其余部分翻译成另外一个句子。
Various factors have contributed to the Party’s strength and the development of its cause during its 90-plus years of history. However, it has always been the Party’s purity that has exerted the most fundamental influence on its creativity, cohesion, and effectiveness.
虽然上面的原句看起来关联性不明确,实际上它有两层意思,一个是:多种因素影响了党的有力和发展,第二个是:党的纯洁性影响最大。因此,我们可以采用分译法进行翻译,也就是把:“我们党成立90多年来的历史证明,党的坚强有力和事业发展取决于多种因素”,翻译成一个简单句,即从Various factors have 到90-plus years of history,也就是译文的下划线部分。然后,我们把“党的纯洁性对党的创造力、凝聚力、战斗力有着根本性的影响”翻译成第二句子,也是一个强调句:从it has always been the Party’s purity that has exerted the most fundamental influence 到 effectiveness。同时,我们可以在这个译句前加上转折副词however,这样,句子间的连贯性会更强。