爱吃辣的加拿大大叔 雅思托福10多年一线教学 中文说得还不错,头像是他家猫 在这里分享他原创的雅思写作干货 每篇范文都有配音,在同名公众号“英语考试Cat”

你好呀,我是来自加拿大的雅思外教Mac。今天,给大家分享1个雅思口语Part 1高频话题的高分语料。



- IELTS Speaking Part 1 -



Do you read books?

Yes, definitely. I’m an avid reader. For me, reading is like food, I mean literally, I always feel like I need to ‘eat’ words and so I read daily. This year, I’ve already read about 8 books, some are novels in English and some are work-related books mostly in Chinese.


Do you read differently now than you did before?

I’m not quite sure what you mean, but it depends on what I read. If it’s a novel, I tend to read every word and appreciate the writer’s selection of vocabulary, because they can make a huge difference to the mood and message the novel conveys; whereas before, I would be in a rush to finish a book and so would kinda skim through, but that defeats the purpose of reading I think.


Have you ever read a novel that has been adapted into a film?

Yes, quite a few. For instance, Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, The Davinci Code, The Time Traveler’s Wife, The Kite Runner…and quite a few more. However, I have to say, while some films are as good as the original novel, others are a disappointment and sort of murder the book.

For example, in my eyes, the 2005 movie version of Pride and Prejudice is a masterpiece because they selected the right actors and the content faithfully replicates the message of the novel. By contrast, The Davinci Code, turned out to be nowhere near as good as the book. If you watch the movie without reading the book, you might quickly get confused. Also, some of the actors I think didn’t fit their character roles.


How often do you buy a book?

I have to confess that I do lots of impulse shopping when it comes to books. Whenever I read the introduction of a good book online, the next moment might see me looking for that book in an online secondhand bookshop, adding it to my shopping cart and then placing the order.

On average, I buy two or three books a month. Just having the to-read books standing on my bookshelf gives me much pleasure.


Standard Phrases:

Vocabulary (and colloquialisms) 高分地道词汇和短语:

Coherence 展示“流利性与连贯性”的词汇和短语:



