
Xu Jiayin, once China's richest man, did not expect that a financial management of more than 10 million would become a straw to crush his trillion empire.


This is the advance payment voucher of the general manager of Evergrande wealth circulated on the Internet.




It is difficult to understand from a commercial perspective, but it can be clearly seen from a political perspective that the door of Xu Jiayin's last self-help has been completely closed.







In times of crisis, more important than gold is not only confidence, but also discipline.

During World War II, the Nazi army pushed all the way under Moscow, and the organs of the Soviet Union moved to gubishev in the rear. However, Stalin himself resolutely stayed in Moscow and did not retreat. He also conducted a battlefield parade on the Red Square.

Under the adverse wind, everyone has the idea of being a deserter. It is no longer effective to restrict deserters to rely on rewards. The only effective thing is iron discipline.

The leader's example is the red line of discipline.

Stalin was there, order was there, and the Soviet soldiers needed to fight to the end unconditionally.

On the contrary, just like when the national army generals ran away during the war of resistance against Japan, they immediately scattered birds and animals. No one would be willing to continue to act as cannon fodder when the top leaders ran for their lives.




Now, the boss of Evergrande wealth retreated secretly during the decisive battle, which is fatal and irreversible to the morale of Evergrande wealth.

Next, everyone will try their best to evacuate before others.

Therefore, no matter what commitment Xu Jiayin makes, he can no longer rebuild the confidence of Evergrande wealth. This trampling game is entering the countdown.













Many people don't know that Evergrande's wealth is only tens of billions, which is only a fraction of Evergrande's trillion level debt. However, this is Evergrande's lifeblood.

Because the investors of Evergrande wealth are almost Evergrande's management, employees, owners, suppliers and loan bank employees, which is Xu Jiayin's most firm basic offer.

Just as Napoleon had no fear of the European coalition forces and defaulted on the capitalists at will, he did not dare to raise taxes on the citizens of Paris or reduce the salary of the guards. The key to managing a huge organization is to stabilize the basic market.

In order to increase the value of house prices, the owners who have already bought houses will not make trouble collectively as long as they are not forced to a dead end. The executives holding stocks will not jump ship easily as long as there is a glimmer of hope for the appreciation of stock prices. The front-line employees who have sold houses for many years will certainly boast about Evergrande and Hermes as long as they pay normally.

As long as their interests are protected, they will not feel any problem with how much money Evergrande owes and how much it owes. Just as the citizens of Paris and the guards supported Napoleon, based on the common interests, Evergrande's basic plate will also swear to defend Xu Jiayin to the death.

However, once they think that Xu Jiayin's knife edge is inward and damages their own interests, they feel that their real gold and silver have become "gold coupons". They are bound to rise up and take the lead in standing on the opposite of their old owner.

It's like Lao Jiang defeated Lin Biao and Nie Rongzhen's main force in 46 years and successively occupied Zhangjiakou, Yan'an. However, with the inflation sweeping the country and the fatal impact on the basic plate of the national government, the fighting spirit of the army was relaxed and the offensive and defensive momentum was reversed.

As far as the long march and as close as the southern tour, whether the desperate situation can always kill a path of blood depends on whether the top leaders focus on the basic plate.

On the contrary, after getting the money from Bai samurai, LETV Jia Yueting chose to give priority to financial institutions and investors rather than LETV employees and suppliers, and went abroad in a gloomy voice. For example, the former president of Guinea dared to raise taxes on food and fuel and cut the salaries of elite guards, and then suffered a military coup.

The knife edge inward will turn their strongest supporter into their biggest opposition.

On the contrary, as long as we keep the basic plate, we will save the hope of turnover.

For example, after the defeat of Napoleon with strong basic support, no one in the European powers dared to kill him and could only exile him. With the support of the basic support, Napoleon marched all the way from Elba to Paris to complete the restoration.

For example, the next door to the three generations would rather not have international credit and arbitrarily rely on the debts of Sweden, Switzerland and other countries. It is also necessary to ensure the living standards of Pyongyang citizens. Even if the whole people are suffering, it is also necessary to ensure the implementation of the military first policy.

For example, Saddam Hussein, who was beaten down by the coalition army's Desert Saber, with the citizens of Baghdad and the Republican Guard, was stunned from the era of the deep gulf war in the 1990s to 2003.

历史无数次的告诉了我们,对于恒大来说,哪怕是万亿债务违约,都不会造成致命伤, 硬撑过去也许还能看到曙光。


History has told us countless times that for Evergrande, even a trillion debt default will not cause fatal injury, If we stick to it, we may still see the dawn.

However, the unexpected outbreak of this round of Evergrande wealth crisis has pushed Evergrande's most firm basic plate to the opposite. If Xu Jiayin can't solve it perfectly, Evergrande will have no way to return to heaven and the gods will be difficult to save……


