


评论翻译Brandon Li, lives in CaliforniaMilitarily, Russia is still the top dog in Europe. It has fallen a very long way from the might of the Soviet unx, but it is still dangerous. Both as a percent of GDP and in absolute terms, it is the major European economy that spends by far the most on its military. And of course, it still has enough nuclear weapons to turn the rest of Europe into hot slag. There’s a reason why there’s a continent wide alliance dedicated to defending against Russia.在军事上,俄罗斯依然是欧洲最强。虽然现在的俄罗斯实力和苏联相比相差甚远,但依然很危险。无论是从国内生产总值的百分比还是从绝对值来看,它都是欧洲主要经济体中迄今为止在军事上花费最多的国家。当然俄罗斯还有足够的核武器,可以将欧洲各国变成热熔炉。这就是为什么全欧洲要一起结盟抵御俄罗斯的原因了原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处That said, Russia is unmistakably on its way down. Its economy has been stagnant and continually low oil prices aren’t doing it any favors. Russia’s economy is also too small to continue supporting its rotting military. Germany is a far wealthier country while the UK and France are both similar in size to Russia. In terms of soft power like economics or diplomatic and cultural influence, these three countries are all more important than Russia. This is especially true with Germany, which is going to find itself increasingly lonely at the top of an EU with a dysfunctional France no Britain.尽管俄罗斯很强,但无疑正在走下坡路。俄罗斯的经济停滞不前,持续的低油价让俄罗斯的经济没有任何起色。俄罗斯的经济规模太小,无法有效一直支撑其腐烂的军队。德国要比俄罗斯富裕的多,英国和法国的经济规模和俄罗斯差不多。在像经济,外交和文化影响力等软实力方面,这三个国家都比俄罗斯更加强大。德国尤其如此,随着法国功能失调和英国脱欧,德国发现自己在欧盟顶层越发的孤独。Kevin FlintRussia's GDP is less than half that of France or the UK.俄罗斯的GDP不到法国和英国的一半。John SmithRussia is not in Europe. It straddles Europe and Asia.俄罗斯不在欧洲,它是一个横跨欧亚的国家Stephen ThompsonIt's true that geographically the majority of Russia is in Asia. I once took the Trans-Siberian train from Beijing to Moscow and it took 5 days to reach the Urals which are generally considered to be the dividing line between Europe and Asia. Then just one more day to reach Moscow.没错,俄罗斯在地理上绝大部分的领土都出于亚洲地区。我曾经坐过跨西伯利亚铁路从北京一路到莫斯科,花了五天时间到达乌拉尔山,这个地方一般被认为是欧亚的分界线。然后仅过了一天就到了莫斯科。But historically, demographically, linguistically and culturally Russia is a European country.It's undeniable that Russian is one of the Slavic languages which are European languages.Russians are slavs and it's undeniable that slavs are Europeans.Historically Russia belongs to christendom.Russians share orthodox Christianity with other European countries such as Greece.但从历史、人口、语言和文化上看,俄罗斯就是一个欧洲国家。不可否认,俄语属于斯拉夫语言,而斯拉夫语是欧洲语言。俄罗斯人是斯拉夫人,而斯拉夫人都是欧洲人从历史上看,俄罗斯属于基督教国家俄罗斯和其他的一些欧洲国家如希腊都是信仰东正教的The majority of Russia's population lives in the European part of the country.The capital and the former capital are both in the European part of Russia.The country was originally settled by the Vikings.The Russian monarchy into married with the monarchies of other European countries.Russia continuously borrowed it's culture from Europe, including large numbers of words from French.Even Marxism was an import from Western Europe.俄罗斯大部分人口居住在欧洲地区。俄罗斯的首都和前首都都位于欧洲地区这个国家最初是维京人定居的。俄罗斯的君主之前一直和欧洲国家的王室联姻俄罗斯不断的借鉴欧洲文化,包括俄语中的大量词汇都是来自于法语甚至马克思主义也是西欧的舶来品。Mark ChandosThe Russian economy is the size of Italy…you know that right?俄罗斯的经济实力只和意大利相当,你知道的对吧?Sydney MoyaBritain and France are similar in economic size to Russia, serious? Russia has a lot of soft power in the third world. Probably more than Germany does俄罗斯的经济规模和英国法国相当,真的吗?俄罗斯在第三世界拥有很强的软实力,可能比德国还强原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处Leigh HincksRussia is an Asian country. Sure, a tiny fraction is in Europe, but the vast majority is not. So that would be Germany.俄罗斯是一个亚洲国家,俄罗斯只有一小部分的领土在欧洲地区,绝大部分的领土位于亚洲,所以欧洲最强大的国家是德国
