Donkey’s Ears(驴耳朵)

The donkey’s ears of King Midas was a punishment and humiliation given by Apollo.


One day, there was a musical contest between Apollo and Pan, the god of woods, with Tmolus, the god of the mountain, acting as the judge.


To the surprise and dissatisfaction of no one present, Tmolus declared Apollo the winner, but Midas, who just happened to be passing by from there, foolishly interfered, claiming that the decision was not right.


Apollo had just one explanation for this disagreement:“Boy, that man must have the ears of an ass.”To add insult to injury(雪上加霜), Apollo transformed Midas’ human ears into a pair of long, grey hairy ears of a donkey.



To hide those long ears from sight, Midas henceforward(今后) wore a specific kind of royal turban(头巾) in all the four seasons of the year.


However, it was impossible for him to hide the secret from his barber(理发师), who had to swear an oath(誓言) of absolute secrecy, one which he was unable to bear.


So, to get rid of his terrible burden,the barber dug a hole on a riverside one night, and whispered(窃窃私语的) into it, “King Midas has ass’ ears.”Filling the hole up carefully afterwards, the barber tiptoed(偷偷摸摸) away from it.


In time, some reeds(芦苇) grew on top of this spot and the moment the first breeze ruffled them, they started murmuring(喃喃自语) Midas’ secret to the whole world:“King Midas has ass’ ears... King Midas has ass’ ears...”



In English, both “donkey” and “ass” have derogatory(贬义) or insulting meaning. They are generally used to mean someone who is obstinate(顽固的), stupid or silly.


Interestingly, “donkey’s ears” has now become an idiom(习语) as in the following example:I’m so bored;I’ve been doing this job for donkey’s ears!Can you guess what it means?

有意思的是,“donkey’s ears(驴耳朵)”如今已经成了一个惯用语,例如:I’m so bored;I’ve been doing this job for donkey’s ears!你能猜到这是什么意思吗?

In fact, the word “ear” is homophonic(同音异义) to “year”. Word has it that donkeys tend to plod(辛勤工作) along slowly. They take a long time to complete a task or journey. Therefore, a donkey’s year takes a long time to elapse(流逝).

事实上,这里的ear与year谐音。据说,毛驴干起活来非常缓慢,完成一项工作或一段旅程往往需要很长时间,因此,a donkey’s year自然就指漫长的时间了。


