



  贝蒂娃娃(Betty Boop)

  Screen Songs是早期Fleischer系列Song Car-Tunes的延续。它们是带有著名的“弹跳球”的唱歌短裤,是现代卡拉OK录像的前身。它们经常以当天流行的旋律为特色。 Song Car-Tunes是最早的声音电影之一,比Jazz Singer早两年制作。由于当时发行的电影仅限于由The Red Seal Pictures Company运营的36家影院的连锁影院,而这些电影院都配备了早期的Lee DeForest Phonofilm声音再现设备。由Fleischers,DeForest,Edwin Miles Fadiman和Hugo Riesenfeld组成的Red Seal剧院连锁店从东海岸来到俄亥俄州哥伦布。

  在1924年5月至1926年9月之间,Fleischers发行了36首Song Car-Tunes系列,其中19首采用了Phonofilm电影音效处理,其中包括Oh Mabel,来我的飞艇之旅,Darling Nelly Gray,《有人在这里》看过凯利(Kelly)和《银月之光》(By of the Silvery Moon)。从我的老肯塔基故居(1926)开始,这些漫画的特色是“跟随弹跳球”的mm头,带领观众与电影一起唱歌。其他17部电影Song Car-Tunes系列没有声音,旨在在电影院中与现场音乐一起播放。

  Fleischers领先于声音革命,只是错过了1926年秋天Red Seal Pictures申请破产时的实际变更。


A Screen Songs episode featuring Betty Boop.

The Screen Songs are a continuation of the earlier Fleischer series Song Car-Tunes. They are sing-along shorts featuring the famous "bouncing ball", a sort of precursor to modern karaoke videos. They often featured popular melodies of the day. The early Song Car-Tunes were among the earliest sound films, produced two years before The Jazz Singer. They were largely unknown at the time because their release was limited to the chain of 36 theaters operated by The Red Seal Pictures Company, which was equipped with the early Lee DeForest Phonofilm sound reproduction equipment. The Red Seal theater chain—formed by the Fleischers, DeForest, Edwin Miles Fadiman, and Hugo Riesenfeld—went from the East Coast to Columbus, Ohio.

Between May 1924 and September 1926, the Fleischers released 36 Song Car-Tunes series, with 19 using the Phonofilm sound-on-film process. The films included Oh Mabel, Come Take a Trip in My Airship, Darling Nelly Gray, Has Anybody Here Seen Kelly?, and By the Light of the Silvery Moon. Beginning with My Old Kentucky Home (1926), the cartoons featured the "follow the bouncing ball" gimmick, that lead the audience singing along with the film. The other 17 films in the Song Car-Tunes series were silent, designed to be shown with live music in movie theaters.

The Fleischers were ahead of the sound revolution, and just missed the actual change when Red Seal Pictures filed for bankruptcy in the fall of 1926.
