Have you ever thought about how much fear people associate with the ocean?
Between the sheer power of water and the many creatures that lurk in the depths, there's always something frightening afoot in the seas that cover so much of our planet.
And most people will tell you that sharks top the terrifying list. These powerful beasts are killing machines. If you ever come into contact with a shark, play it safe and just assume that they want to kill you. To help guide you through the shark encounter that I sincerely hope you never have to deal with, here are a few monsters of the deep you should watch out for. Better safe than sorry, right?
1. Cookiecutter Shark
Despite their fearsome appearance, basking sharks are totally uninterested in eating humans. They're filter feeders that cruise the ocean depths for their meals. Still...stay away.
3.Megamouth Shark
This extremely rare shark prefers the darkness of the ocean's most frightening depths. There have only ever been 55 confirmed sightings in human history. That's probably a good thing.
在人类历史上,只有55次被证实见过。但这可能是一件好事。(2006年3月中旬浙江省乐清县岐蒲镇渔民在中国东海南部(靠近台湾北部)海域捕获一条体长4560mm的鲨鱼。经鉴定为巨口鲨,为中国大陆沿海鲨鱼新纪录种。 也是全世界有发现记录的第36条。2006年3月26日此巨口鲨运往浙江省温州市鹿城标本工艺厂 , 并制成标本。)
4. Frilled Shark
They normally dwell in the deep, dark ocean, but every once in a while, a frilled shark will make its way into shallow waters. That's when you should panic. These suckers have 300 razor-sharp teeth that are always ready to rip you to shreds.(科学界对于皱鳃鲨在地球上的存在时间仍有分歧,一说存在了3.8亿年,一说9500万年。截至2008年,人类只在日本海岸附近发现过2条皱鳃鲨,分别是19世纪末期和2007年。那两条史前生物般的鲨鱼都是由深海渔网在无意中捕到的。[12])
5. Whale Shark
Even though they're technically the biggest fish in the ocean, whale sharks pose no threat to humans. They prefer the taste of plankton over human flesh. Still, I wouldn't want to get between them and their supper. Look at that mouth!
6. Tiger Shark
While tiger sharks attack relatively few people each year, those that they do attack usually don't fare well. If you see one in the water...well...it was nice knowing you.
虎鲨的食性很复杂。 南非自由女潜水者与致命虎鲨同游 南非自由女潜水者与致命虎鲨同游 在虎鲨的菜单上有乌贼、鱼、软体动物、甲壳类动物、海鸟、小型海兽、动物尸体和垃圾。虎鲨有良好的视力和嗅觉。他们能侦测到动物们藏身处电磁场的变化,他们也能感觉到远处鱼群游水时引起的水流波动。
7. Great White Shark
These beasts are pure evil and they're 100 percent deadly. In recorded history ,they've been responsible for at least 314 unprovoked attacks on humans. If you see one...RUN! Or swim. Probably swim.
这个鲨鱼最恐怖了,它们是100%的致命。在有记载的历史里,它们至少对人类进行过314次无理由攻击。如果你见到这样鲨鱼,那么久一个字... RUN!游泳,赶紧游泳。
8. Mako Shark
The trademark of the mako shark is the way it kills its prey. Most swim under their prey where they remain undetected until the moment they strike and absolutely destroy whatever sorry creature was unlucky enough to get in its way.
9. Goblin Shark
Goblin sharks have the unique ability of reaching out with their jaws and snatching their prey. If they lived in shallower waters, they'd probably make our lives miserable.
10. Bull Shark
These creatures love to hang out in shallow waters and are big enough to do some serious damage to humans who get too close. Avoid them at all costs.
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