10 Things I Wish I’d Known Before Fulltime RVing…


Our svelte 32,220 lb monster. How little we knew when we first started out…


Pre-Post Note/ Nov 2017. Although this post was written in 2011 it’s still my most popular post ever (!!), so I’m refreshing it as part of our 8th year on the road. See my updates in italics below the original text on each topic.


One of the beautiful things about aging is you carry along the wisdom of years of experience (that, and your wine gets better of course). By many standards you could easily call me but a pup in the great dog-park of life, but as our multi-year journey in RVing progresses I have managed to glean a few gems of sageness which I can happily pass along. In that spirit, here are 10 things I wish I’d known before we went full-timing:


1/ Bigger is Not Always Better 大不一定好


Most of the places we go don’t taking club passes. This is gorgeous Eagle Nest State Park, NM


When we first started RVing we signed up to just about every camping club out there, Sam’s Club, Escapees, Club USA etc. In retrospect (again because of where/how we like to camp) these were not worth it. The only camping club I currently consider is Passport America, mostly for short stops and I do like the Escapees Days End list, but even these have mostly been replaced by overnight “freebies” when we need them. The rest of the time we’re out in nature/boonies where club memberships do not go. For some people clubs are great and they can certainly be cost saving if you make use of them, but for us they’ve simply not made the cut.

当我们刚开始房车旅行的时候,参加了几乎所有的房车营地俱乐部,包括 Sam's Club、Escapees、Club USA等等。现在回头看,(因为我们的旅行方式)这些俱乐部基本都没有什么用处。目前我们唯一使用的俱乐部是Passport America,多数都是短期停留。我们也喜欢Escapees Days End list,不过后来也被overnight “freebies”(免费停留一晚)所取代了。其余的时候我们都在野外露营,不需要任何俱乐部的会员资格。如果你经常使用某个俱乐部的营地的话,那成为会员还是物有所值的,不过对于我们来说就不是这样。

2017 Update – YES. We still feel the same way. Clubs are only useful IF you make use of them. There are RV folks who love their club memberships (e.g. Thousand Trails members who do nothing but stay at Thousand Trails), but for our type of camping (mostly public land, lots of State Parks etc) they simply haven’t made sense. The only membership clubs we currently have are Harvest Hosts, Escapees & Passport America. I always recommend that newbies wait on joining any camping clubs until they’ve spent some time on the road and figured out how they like to travel. Read more about my take on Camping Clubs HERE.

2017年更新 - 是的,我们现在还是这样认为。房车营地俱乐部只有你经常使用才有价值,很多房车用户都很喜欢他们的俱乐部(譬如Thousand Trails俱乐部的会员只入驻Thousand Trails的营地【译者注:说的很对,译者就是这样做的】。但是对于我们来说,更喜欢的是去公共土地或者州立公园去露营,这样房车俱乐部就没有什么意义了。我们目前保留的俱乐部是 Harvest Hosts, Escapees & Passport America。我一直建议刚刚开始房车旅行的新手不要急着加入房车营地俱乐部,而是在路上旅行一段时间后,根据自己旅行的习惯再决定加入哪个俱乐部。更多关于房车俱乐部的内容在这里.

4/ Beware Heavy Slides 当心过重的拓展舱

I love the slides in our motorhome because of the massive amount of space they give internally, but it seems some manufacturers go overboard. Our “beast” has a massive front drivers-side slide with refrigerator in the slide, something I now understand is an engineering no-no. The weight of the slide has been the cause of the only real issues on our home in 2 years. I love slides and will always want them, but in retrospect I would never buy another home with a fridge in a slide-out.


2017 Update – YES. Our big slide issue is still the only major issue we’ve had (touch wood) in the RV since we started fulltiming.

2017年更新 - 是的。我们拓展舱的故障是这么多年来房车仅有的重大问题。

5/ Finding Great Public Campgrounds Can Be Easy - 寻找理想的公共露营地并不困难


Finding great campsites can be easy. Soaking in the view at fabulous Elephant Butte State Park, NM

寻找理想露营地并不难,(上面的图片里我们)在新墨西哥州Elephant Butte州立公园里欣赏美景。

The first year of RVing I struggled to find the kinds of campgrounds (natural, green, spacious) that we like to visit. It was a constant battle of going to one website, through a ton of clicks, then another website, then to a map, then to another spot and back again to try and figure out which one matched our route. Early this year I discovered uscampgrounds.info and my planning life changed. If you like public camping there’s simply no better resource out there and I use it as the base for all our travel planning now.

我们房车旅行的第一年里,寻找我们想去的那种(大自然、绿色的、空旷的)露营地不太容易。我们不停地浏览各种网站,不停地点击查看不同的露营地,打开营地地图,然后又跳转到下一个网站,为了找到理想的露营地大费周章。今年早些时候,我发现了一个网站 uscampgrounds.info,它让我的旅行计划变得容易多了。如果你也喜欢去公共营地露营,那么没有比这个网站更好的资源了,现在我所有的旅行计划 都基于这个网站的信息。

2017 Update – YES. Public Land is still our #1 camping choice. There are now many more options for finding these kinds of sites including ultimatecampgrounds.com (which has overtaken uscampgrounds IMHO), Benchmark Maps (which are excellent paper maps for public lands), AllStays (which also offers an app) and other resources. If you want to see how I plan our current travels, check out the 3-part series I wrote starting HERE.

2017年更新:是的,公共土地还是我们露营的首选。不过现在有更多的网站提供类似信息,包括 ultimatecampgrounds.com (在我个人看来它已经取代了 uscampgrounds 网站),Benchmark Maps (这个网站上有地非常不错的公共露营地地图),AllStays (它有提供手机APP)等。如果你想知道我现在怎样规划我们的旅行计划,请查看我写的三部分连续内容.

6/ You Don’t Have to Sign Any Internet Contracts - 你不需要签约上网

When we initially looked at internet solutions we knew we wanted a Verizon-based system since it was simply the best coverage out there (and our experience has proved that true). We ended up w/ a 2-year 5GB/mo contract which is a little tight for our needs. What we didn’t know was that you can get a Verizon-based coverage using no-contract resale partners such as Millenicom. It’s the same coverage, but simply without the contract! You can boost it just like any system out there too. Millenicom resells both Verizon and Sprint and they won’t/can’t tell you (directly) who they’re using, but you can easily narrow it down via the device (the Verizon-based contract is currently offered on the 20GB/mo deal using the Novatel U760 Device). For more info check the forums.

当我们最初挑选移动上网服务时,我们知道需要Verizon提供的服务,因为它的信号覆盖区域是最广的(我们的体验也证明了这一点)。我们最后签约了一份两年合约,每个月5G流量,(后来发现)有点不够用。我们不知道的是,你可以使用免合约的Verizon零售服务商譬如Millenicom,完全相同的服务,只是不需要签固定期限的合约。你也可以像其他的系统一样来增强移动信号。Millenicom同时销售Verizon和Sprint的移动服务,但是他们不会/不能(直接)告诉你使用的是哪一家的服务,但是你可以通过自己使用的设备来推断出来(目前Verizon的移动服务是使用Novatel U760的设备,每个月的流量是20G)。如果需要更多信息,请查看论坛。

2017 Update – TOTALLY. I still recommend a contract-free approach whenever possible. This gives you the flexibility to sign-up to the best plans (and offers) whenever they became available which has improved our own set-up and saved us many $$ over the years. The whole Mobile Internet landscape has changed dramatically since 2011 (e.g. Millenicom is now caput and gone), but there are still many contract-free options for mobile travelers. You can read about our current internet, phone & boosting set-up HERE.

2017年更新 - 完全正确。我仍然建议尽量使用免合约的移动服务,这样当更好的计划出现的时候,你可以很灵活地随时签约,从长远来看改善了我们的配套并节省了我们很多费用。

7/ Take Your Time On the Road - 旅行的节奏要慢


Take your time to smell the roses..or in this case the sea. Boondocking for 10 days at Sea Rim, TX

(旅行时)要慢下来闻闻花香.....或者像上面那样悠闲地看看海。在德克萨斯Sea Rim十天野外露营。

When we first started on the road we rushed like crazed animals on stampede to see as much and as far an area as we could possibly see within the timeframe given. It took several months before we realized none of this was necessary. In fact taking more time to enjoy our surroundings not only saved us money, but we’ve met more people, seen more local gems, created a sense of community and felt more in-tune with the journey. Our 2-month trip through New Mexico earlier this year was a great example of how this attitude has really made sense for us. We are progressing more and more into “sitters” (RVers that spend several weeks in one spot) rather than “movers”. It may not be for everyone, but I sure recommend giving it a try.

当我们刚开始房车旅行时,总是急急忙忙地从一个景点跑到另外一个景点,总想在有限的时间里多看一个地方。过了好几个月之后,我们才认识到不需要这样走马观花到处跑。实际上,慢节奏的旅行才能更好地享受周边的环境,同时也更省钱,还可以认识更多的人,获得一种社区的感觉,并真正深入地了解一个地方,我们过去两个月的新墨西哥之旅 充分证明了这一点。我们变得越来越“坐着不动”(房车在一个地方一次停留几个星期)而不是“走马观花”,也许这种方式并不适合所有的人,但是我建议至少应该尝试一下。

2017 Udpate – TOTALLY. Since that original “crazy” year on the road we’ve enjoyed a much more relaxed pace of travel (you can see all our travel maps HERE -> we average just over ~5,000 miles/year) and it’s made everything SO much better. For us this is a lifestyle, not a vacation and taking the time to enjoy each spot has made it a deeper, richer (and more enjoyable) experience for both of us.

2017年更新 - 完全正确。自从刚开始的”疯狂“快节奏之后,我们移动的速度逐渐越来越慢,也越来越悠闲(大家可以去这里 查看我们的旅行地图 - 每年的行程仅仅五千英里),慢节奏让房车生活变得更加美好。对于我们来说,这是一种生活方式,不是度假观光。每到一处都玩透一个地方,让我们的房车体验更加丰富多彩。

8/ You Really Don’t Need Much Stuff - 你真的不需要太多行李

I spent months trying to figure out what to take on the road before we started out. I already knew (instinctively) that we wouldn’t need much, but I wanted to try to cover all the bases. The truth is that we needed even less than that. I took ~10% of my then-wardrobe with me, and I currently use about 10% of that. We brought along tents and other equipment we never use. We ALSO ended up buying a bunch of nifty (so we thought) “RV stuff” before we’d really spent any time in the rig on the road, another thing I’d now consider a no-no. In retrospect spending some time on the road before loading up would have made alot more sense. We’re planning a major cleaning-out when we get back to our storage in San Diego this winter and will end up much lighter for it (no doubt). If we keep this up the storage might end up going too…


2017 Update – YES. The more time we spend on the road the less we find we need. We end up donating half our clothes to charity almost every year and our outdoor stuff has been cut down to a select set of “glamping” basics. Plus we FINALLY got rid of our big storage unit (whoo hooo!). Paying $$$ for storage all those years was one of our biggest regrets and something we (in retrospect) would not recommend if you can avoid it. It took 7 years for us to tackle ours, but we finally got it done! You can read about my take on storage HERE and how we got rid of ours HERE, HERE and HERE.

2017年更新 - 是的,我们在路上的时间越长,需要的物品就越少。每年我们都会捐赠一半左右的衣物给慈善机构,我们的户外用品也已经精简到最少的部分。每年花费不菲去租用储藏室是我们最后悔的一件事,我们建议大家最好不要犯同样的错误。我们花了七年时间才处理掉储藏室,不过最终还是做到了!大家可以在这里 看看我们最初的储藏室,以及后来如何逐步, 逐步 ,逐步地把它处理掉。

9/ Follow the Weather - 跟着好天气走


My kind of view….hanging out in perfect weather at The Forgotten Coast, FL


This kinda makes obvious senses, but when we first started out we really didn’t pay too much attention to weather. In our first year we ended up travelling through the Mid-West in very hot and buggy conditions, not ideal for a natural-born bug magnet (such as myself) in a metal home. Since then we’ve paid closer attention and the beauty of being mobile is that you can do exactly that. I launched my flip-flop barometer early this year and we managed (mostly) to stay right on it. We’re wintering in the SW this year and will be back to cool and gorgeous coast & mountains by next summer. Most definitely the flip-flop way to go!

这个应该是理所当然的,但是我们最初的旅程中并没有关注天气的变化,导致我们第一年夏天在中西部遭遇炎热多虫的环境,像我这样天生招虫的体质,在这种情况下住在一个铁皮房子里面实在是糟糕透顶的事。从此以后,我们就很注意天气变化,房车生活的一个好处就是可以随时搬家。今年早些时候我启用了flip-flop barometer (拖鞋气压计)并基本保持可以使用(意思是永远找气候适宜的地方停留)。今年冬天我们计划去西南部过冬,到夏天的时候再返回凉爽的海边和山区,永远都跟着最好的气候走。

2017 Update – YES. We’ve become better & better at following the weather and it’s a key part of our yearly travel planning process. The past few years we’ve spent winters in the beautiful SW desert and summers on the gorgeous PNW coast. Perfection!

2017年更新 - 是的。我们跟随好天气越来越熟练,这也是我们年度旅行规划的一个重要部分。过去几年里我们冬天都跑到西南部壮丽的沙漠里面过冬,夏天则北上到太平洋西北海岸避暑,完美的旅行!

10/ RVing Costs Are Manageable - 房车生活的开支是可控的

We agonized over the cost of full-time RVing for a long time before we jumped in. The truth is costs are flexible and totally manageable and our experience has certainly proved that to be so. There are great options for saving money both on camping, gas, health insurance, taxes, car/RV registration and other areas. You can take your time and boondock, workamp along the way or run around and stay in pricey resorts. All can be great experiences, but the real beauty is that the choice is there.

在我们房车旅行之前很长一段时间里都在担心全时房车生活的开支问题。事实上房车生活的开支是比较灵活的,也是可以控制的,我们的经历也证明了这一点。有各种各样的省钱方式来应付露营, 加油, 医疗保险, 报税, 小车/房车登记 和其他方面的开支。你既可以用省钱的慢节奏,采用免费野外露营的方式来旅行,也可以入驻昂贵的商业房车营地,不计成本快节奏地到处跑,总之,你可以选择适合自己的方式。

2017 Update – TOTALLY. In 8 years on the road our expenses have actually been flat to slightly down every year despite increasing health care costs. We keep camping expenses low by volunteering in summer and boondocking (= free camping) in winter, and we manage gas costs by how we travel. The point is there is lots of flexibility on the financial side, and my viewpoint on this hasn’t changed. Earlier this year I finally updated our cost posts, so you can now read a detailed account of our RV costs (including tips for budgeting & saving) for the past 7 years HERE and HERE.

2017年更新 - 完全正确。过去八年里我们每年的开支一直保持大致相同,尽管后来医疗保险的费用不断增加。我们节省露营费用的办法是夏天去做临时营地管理员的工作,冬天去野外露营。控制燃油开支的方法是放慢旅行节奏。关键一点是房车旅行的开支是灵活可控的,今年早些时候我终于完成了过去七年旅行费用的统计(包括一些省钱的技巧和小窍门),大家可以在查看这里 和 这里。

Well that wraps up my list…got any good ones of your own?

