



1.表示并列关系或事件先后关系→ and “并且,而且”

His father is a teacher and his mother is a doctor.他父亲是一位老师,他母亲是一位医生。

Recycling can protect the environment,and it can save money,too.


Tom finished his work, and then he went to bed.汤姆完成了工作,然后去睡觉了。

Study hard and you will pass the exam.努力学习你就能通过考试。

2.表示转折或对比关系→but “但是”,while“然而”

He has failed several times, but he never gives up.他失败了好几次,但是他从没放弃。

People produce power from coal,but it is very dirty and causes acid rain.


He is tall, while his son is short.他很高,然而他儿子很矮。

Some things are good for the earth,while some are bad.有些事对地球是有益的,而有些事是有害的。

3.表示选择关系→or “否则,或者”

Hurry up, or you will miss the bus.赶快,否则你会错过公交车。

Work hard,or you will fail the exam.努力学习,否则你就会考试不及格。

Do it yourself or ask somebody else to do it.你自己做这件事,或者请别人做。

4.表示因果关系→so “因此,所以”

Her mother is ill,so she has to stay at home and look after her.她母亲病了,因此她不得不待在家照顾她

I didn’t catch the bus,so I was late for work.我没能赶上公交车,所以我上班迟到了。




错误:Though/Although I have no time to travel,but I still feel happy.

正确:Though/Although I have no time to travel,I still feel happy.

=I still feel happy though/although I have no time to travel.

正确:I have no time to travel,but I still feel happy.

2)because“因为”与so “因此,所以”不可连用,即不能同时存在于同一复合句中。


正确:He won’t go to the cinema tonight because he has lost his ticket..

= Because he has lost his ticket,he won’t go to the cinema tonight.

=He has lost his ticket,so he won’t go to the cinema tonight.

错误:Because he has lost his ticket,so he won’t go to the cinema tonight.

3)“祈使句 and 简单句”→ 祈使句表示一个条件,简单句表示一个较好的结果,简单句


Go along the street, and you’ll find the post office.沿着这条街走,你将会发现邮局。

Go across the road ,and you will see a bridge.穿过这条路,你就会看见一座桥。

Work hard and you will succeed in the final exam.

(=If you work hard ,you will succeed in the final exam)

“祈使句 or 简单句”→ 祈使句表示一个条件,简单句表示一个不好的结果,简单句


Be quick,or you’ll be late.快点,否则你将会迟到。

Be careful,or you’ll get hurt.小心,否则你将会受伤。

Study hard,or you can’t pass the exam.努力学习,否则你不能通过考试。

Work hard ,or you will fail in the final exam

(=If you don't work hard ,you will fail in the final exam)
