怪物猎人崛起英文学习(一)介绍的怪物:Great Izuchi (镰鼬龙王),Great Baggi (眠狗龙王), Kulu-Ya-Ku (骚鸟),Great Wroggi (毒狗龙王),Arzuros (青熊兽),Lagombi (白兔兽 ),Volvidon (赤甲兽),Khezu (奇怪龙/电龙),Rathalos (雄火龙),Rathian (雌火龙)
怪物猎人崛起英文学习(二)大型怪物包括:Basarios (岩龙),Diablos(角龙),Rajang (金狮子),Kushala Daora (风翔龙),Chameleos(霞龙),Teostra(炎王龙),Tigrex (轰龙),Nargacuga (讯龙),Barioth (冰牙龙),Barroth (土砂龙)
今天继续揭秘MHR的大型怪物,顺便学习一些新的单词。话说小编的HR已经到了70,按照之前立下的flag,升一级新学10个单词,要学700个….我感觉要改成升一级学1个了,不然一年估计都学不完700个。Keep it up.
今天介绍的怪物会有: Royal Ludroth(水兽王),Zinogre(雷狼龙),Mizutsune(泡狐龙 ),Magnamalo (怨虎龙),Bishaten (天狗兽),Aknosom(伞鸟 ),Tetranadon(河童蛙),Somnacanth(人鱼龙 ),Rakna-Kadaki (妃蜘蛛),Almudron (泥翁龙)
Royal Ludroth (水兽王)
Royal Ludroth (水兽王)
Larger than regular Ludroth, Royal Ludroth use their sponge-like mane to absorb water and keep from drying out on land. Once the sponge loses moisture, they will seek out water to recover. They also spew mucus to trip up their prey.
比常规的水生兽要大,水兽王用它们海绵般的鬃毛吸取水分,避免在地面上干涸。 一旦海绵失去了水分,它们会寻找水来恢复。它们也会喷出粘液(mucus [ˈmjuːkəs] n黏液)来绊倒它们的猎物。
登场动画台本:Mane Contender - Royal Ludroth (鬃毛斗士-水兽王)
A shallow forest stream (一条浅浅的森林溪流)
Coursing through the night (在夜色中穿行)
Amid the sound of water (在水声中)
A beast prepares to fight (一头野兽准备好了战斗)
Those who go unprepared (那些没有准备的人)
Will bow before its might (就会在它的力量面前低头)
Bathing in the falls it waits (沐浴在瀑布中的它等待着)
Using water as its shield (用水作为它的盾牌)
Yellow collar standing proud (傲然屹立的黄领)
Its fangs shall never yield (它的獠牙用不屈服)
雷狼龙重弩派生Despot's Paroxysm
本人很喜欢的一条龙,作为老重弩玩家(heavy bowgun)之一,雷狼龙重弩派生Despot's Paroxysm(暴君的痉挛?)也是小编最爱的开荒装备,外形帅气,攻击高,后坐力小,机关枪突突突特别爽。
Fanged wyverns whose bodies are Streaked with electricity. Sharp claws and strong limbs allow them to thrive in mountainous terrain. During hunts, they gather numerous Thunderbugs to boost their power and enter a supercharged state.
Streak [striːk] v 给xxx留下条纹, be streaked with electricity, 布满了电流的条纹..
登场动画台本:Lord of Lightning - Zinogre (闪电之王-雷狼龙)
Look upon its prowess (看看它的勇猛)
Its movements full of spark (动作环绕着火花)
Its claws cut through the silence (利爪划破了寂静)
Its fangs bite through the dark (獠牙咬破了黑暗)
Gaze upon perfection (凝视着完美)
Thunder given form (天雷赐予的形态)
Either knock its Lights out (要么把它打灭)
Or die fighting the storm (要么与风暴搏斗而死)
Mizutsune(泡狐龙 )应该是怪猎史上最美的龙,没有之一。颜值和身材界的天花板,毫无疑问的龙花。
Mizutsune(泡狐龙 )
A specially evolved Leviathan with a sleek, lithe body, Mizutsune can secrete a peculiar foam that covers its foes in immobilizing bubbles. Once its prey's movement is impaired, it closes in with spry, dance-like movements.
泡狐龙作为一种特殊进化的利维坦,它拥有光滑、轻盈的身体,可以分泌一种奇特的泡沫, 让陷入其中的敌人进入无法移动的状态。一旦猎物的行动受到影响,它就会以敏捷的、类似舞蹈的动作靠近。
Leviathan [li’vaiəθən] n. 利维坦(英国17世纪著作家霍布斯的著作);海怪
Sleek [sliːk] adj 光滑的,线条流畅的
lithe[laɪð] adj. 轻盈的
foam [foʊm] n. 泡沫,气泡
Foe[foʊ] n,敌人,对手
spry [spraɪ] adj, 活泼的;敏捷的;
登场动画台本:Bewitching Dancer - Mizutsune (迷人舞者-泡狐龙 )
Light blue bubbles (浅蓝色的气泡)
Reflecting the moonlight (映着月光)
Fragile and ephemeral (脆弱和短暂)
Like flowers blooming at night (就像夜晚绽放的花朵)
Traces of a creature (一个生物的痕迹)
Graceful in its precision (精确中带着优雅)
Nobile, yet beguiling (不动声色,却令人陶醉)
An entrancing vision (一个令人着迷的视觉)
Magnamalo (怨虎龙)MHR新出的怪物,本作扛把子之一,,跟老虎一样勇猛,动作敏捷,周身被紫色烟幕包裹,散发着邪恶。
Magnamalo (怨虎龙)
A monster with a carapace like tempered steel armor. The vapor around it is actually the expelling of trapped gases from the hordes of monsters Magnamalo has consumed. This has earned it the moniker "Wyvern of Malice ." Its shrouded swings can inflict hellfireblight, which causes one to combust either spontaneously or when hit. Use a Deodorant or a Wirebug to rid yourself of hellfire.
一个有着像精钢盔甲一样的外壳的怪物。它周围的气实际上是被它吞噬的怪物们残留能量的排出。 这为它赢得了怨恨之龙的绰号。它笼罩的挥舞可以造成地狱火之苦,使人自发或被击中后燃烧. 使用除臭剂和翔虫来摆脱。
tempered steel 回火钢
Vapor [ˈveɪpər]n. 蒸气;
Expel [ɪkˈspel] v. 排出,驱逐
Horde [hɔːrd] n.一群
Moniker [ˈmɑːnɪkər] n.绰号
Malice [ˈmælɪs] n. 恶意,怨恨
Shroud [ʃraud] v. 覆盖,用布裹(尸体)
Inflict [ɪnˈflɪkt] v. 使遭受
combust [kəmˈbʌst] vt. 燃烧;消耗
登场动画台本:Barbarous Beast - Magnamalo (野蛮的野兽-怨虎龙)
A grudge towards all life (对所有生命的怨恨)
Given form in flame (以火焰的形式出现)
Stalks unsuspecting creatures (盯着这些毫无戒心的)
That it seeks to maim (它试图残害的生物)
Its prey turns round to face it (猎物转过身来面对它)
Preferring a hero's death (宁可选择英雄的死亡)
Knowing that this purple fire (知道这紫色的火焰)
Will steal its final breath (将偷走它的最后一口气)
Pray for its soul (为它的灵魂祈祷吧)
For this creature of pure evil (因为这个纯粹的邪恶生物)
Will swallow the world whole (将吞噬整个世界)
Bishaten (天狗兽)
A monster with a distinctive tail. While it is omnivorous, it has a preference for fruit, and keeps various fruits with all kinds of effects in its belly pouch. An incredibly curious beast, it enjoys playing tricks on people, and has been seen to bat fruit at its prey using its tail.
登场动画台本:Frenetic Ascetic - Bishaten (狂热的苦修者-天狗兽)
Ascetic [əˈsetɪk] adj. 苦行的;n. 苦行者
Frenetic [frəˈnetɪk] adj. 狂热的;发狂的
perdition [pɜːrˈdɪʃn] n. 毁灭,破灭
sentry [ˈsentri] n. 哨兵;岗哨
On the road to perdition (在通往灭亡的路上)
stands a false sentry (站着一个假哨兵)
With a devilish mission (带着魔鬼般的使命)
Once it spots movement (一旦它发现行动)
It puts its tail in position (它的尾巴就位了)
Its plan to pelt prey (扑杀猎物的计划)
Coming into fruition (即将实现)
For this is its territory (因为这是它的地盘)
And there is no admission (不容许任何人进入)
Aknosom(伞鸟 )
Aknosom(伞鸟 )
Tending to stand on one leg, this monster somewhat resembles an umbrella. The Aknosom is highly territorial; it will spread out its wings and show off its characteristic comb to scare off threats. It also bears flammable venom that burns fiercely and lingers on the ground when lit. Draw the beast to water for an easier fight.
登场动画台本:Feathered Frenzy - Aknosom (披着羽毛的狂热-伞鸟)
resemble [rɪˈzemblz] v像,似
parasol [ˈpærəsɔːl]n. 太阳伞
Wary[ˈweri]adj. 小心翼翼的
Hue 色泽 vibrant hue 鲜艳色泽
A bamboo forest at night (夜晚的竹林)
The sound of dancing is heard (舞动的声音传来)
Resembling a parasol (仿佛是一把遮阳伞)
But in truth a monstrous bird (实则是一只怪异的鸟)
Be wary of its figure (警惕它的身影)
And its vibrant hue (和它那鲜艳的色泽)
For once its collar opens(因为一旦它的头冠打开)
A rain of blood with ensue(就会有血雨腥风袭来)
An amphibious monster resembling a frog. Its appetite is infinite, and if it sees anything moving, it will gobble it up, dirt an all. It's theorized that the dirt it consumes builds up in its stomach and aids in digestion. If it eats something that it cannot digest, it will throw it back up. The cranial disc protecting its tender head is said to harden and become a more brilliant blue over time.
amphibious [æmˈfɪbiəs] adj. [生物] 两栖的
gobble [ˈɡɑːbl]v. 狼吞虎咽,大口吞食
登场动画台本:Amphibious Wrestler - Tetranadon (海陆摔跤手-河童蛙)
Floating in water(漂浮在水中)
It beckons silently (它无声地呼唤着)
Once its prey approaches (一旦它的猎物接近)
There is no time to flee (就没有时间逃跑了)
Gut and strength alike (内脏和力量都是如此)
Rank among the greats (跻身伟大的行列)
Don't get pushed out of the ring (不要被推下擂台)
For the abyss awaits (因为深渊在等着你)
Somnacanth(人鱼龙 )本作小编看着最不舒服的怪之一,太像美人鱼了。一瞬间,我脑海里所有关于人鱼的美好印像都被颠覆了。
A formidable aquatic serpent that crests on moonlit nights—likely why it has often been mistaken for a mermaid. It expels an intoxicating sleep powder from its neck gills and tail, knocking out prey before it can resist. Some Somnacanth sightings tell of this species making use of unusual shells, so exercise caution if you catch one swimming towards you with a shell in its claws.
formidable [fəˈmɪdəb(ə)l]adj. 可怕的,令人敬畏的
Intoxicate v[ɪnˈtɑːksɪkeɪt] v. (酒或毒品)(使)麻醉;(使)中毒
Gill n [ɡɪl; dʒɪl] n. 鳃;菌褶;
登场动画台本:Soporific Siren - Somnacanth (沉睡的海妖-人鱼龙)
Soporific [ˌsɑːpəˈrɪfɪk] adj 催眠的,昏昏欲睡的
Siren n [ˈsaɪrən] 妖艳迷人而又危险的女人, 海妖
lullably [ˈlʌləbaɪ] n. 摇篮曲,催眠曲
dulcet [ˈdʌlsɪt] adj 美妙的;悦耳的;怡人的
A miraculous spring (神奇的春天)
Clear as children's song (清晰如儿歌)
Deep runs its stream (深深地流淌着它的溪流)
Elegant, but strong (优雅,但强大)
A lullaby is sung (悠扬的歌声响起)
Soft sounds of seduction (柔和的诱惑之声)
Its dulcet tones inducing sleep (美妙之音引你入眠)
And serpentine destruction (和蛇形的破坏)
Rakna-Kadaki (妃蜘蛛)恕我直言,这东西我看了好久都不知道哪儿是头,哪儿是屁股。
Rakna-Kadaki (妃蜘蛛)
A Rakna-Kadaki is usually seen covered in sticky webbing. Clinging to its abdomen are its offspring, known as Rachnoid, which it controls using the flammable gas that builds up there. Rachnoid spit fire, capture prey, and support the Rakna-Kadaki's massive body. As their numbers dwindle, the beast will hatch more, at which point it is extremely dangerous.
Cling [klɪŋ]v. 抓住,抱紧;黏附,粘住;
offspring [ˈɔːfsprɪŋ] n. 后代,幼崽
登场动画台本:Wandering Widow - Rakna-Kadaki (流浪的寡妇-妃蜘蛛)
mincing[ˈmɪnsɪŋ] adj. 装腔作势的;矫饰的
gait [ɡeɪt]n. 步法,步态
Crawling with a mincing gait (迈着装腔作势的步伐爬行)
Dressed in a white gown (穿着白色的长袍)
Aimlessly she roams (她漫无目的地游荡)
Queen without a crown (没有王冠的女王)
Her beloved children (她心爱的孩子们)
Always by her side (总是在她身边)
Share their mother's temper (分享他们母亲的脾气)
And her fiery pride (和她火热的自豪感)
Almudron (泥翁龙)感觉原型是龙虾,它那屁股上拖着的那个菊花真是刷新了我的想象力新高度。
As its name implies, Almudron spends a great deal of time lurking in mud—at least until it emerges to smother approaching prey. From its tail oozes a strange golden fluid, which Almudron uses to dissolve the ground beneath its prey, arresting them in a mire so that it can drag them under. When enraged, it produces more fluid, turning the mud golden. When you see gold, watch out!
正如它的名字所暗示的那样,泥翁龙花了大量的时间潜伏在泥土中--至少在它出现以扼杀接近的猎物之前。 从它的尾巴上渗出一种奇怪的金色液体,泥翁龙用它来溶解猎物脚下的地面,把它们困在泥潭中,以便把它们拖到下面。当它被激怒时,它会产生更多的液体,使泥土变成金色。当你看到金色时,请注意!
Ooze [uːz]vt. 渗出;泄漏
Mire [ˈmaɪər] n 泥潭;
登场动画台本:Hermit of the Swamp - Almudron (沼泽隐士-泥翁龙)
Hermit [ˈhɜːrmɪt] n 隐士
grumpy [ˈɡrʌmpi]adj. 脾气坏的,爱抱怨的
murk [mɜːrk] n. 黑暗;阴沉,阴郁
Playing in the dirt (在泥土中玩耍)
After a hard day's work (一天的辛勤工作后)
A grumpy old beast (一头暴躁的老兽)
Rises from the murk (从阴暗处升起)
Begone! (走开)
A booming voice resounds (一个洪亮的声音响起)
None shall ever enter (没有人可以进入)
This creature's holy grounds (这个生物的圣地)