用Yahoo再学一句:“我想跟你玩”能说Play with you吗?,我来为大家科普一下关于yahoo网站的产品服务?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!
用Yahoo再学一句:“我想跟你玩”能说Play with you吗?
首先声明,即便是在汉语里,“跟你玩,跟我玩”也是一句不同语境下意思都不一样的语句。这里且按下不细表。只就小孩用语“跟你玩”所指的意思:用英语怎么说?能说plsy eith you吗?
我不太清楚,都二十一世纪“互联网 英语学习工具”的伟大时代,了不起的时代了,我们依然还有很多“学生”,说自己英语基础“低得不得了”。到底“低到什么程度”呢,以至于永远只能“鹦鹉学舌”地跟着“老师”用汉语学一句“懂”一句,记一句。这样的英语学习在非英语语言环境下学来学去“懂得”“记住”的依然甚至永远只是自己的母语(汉语),其学习的意义何在?
在“互联网 英语学习工具”时代,就犹如“度娘”一样,英文Yahoo是可以用来“探索发现求证”我们想知道的英语“怎么说”的因为Yahoo Is Everything:这就是“学习力”。想学英语,先从“学习力”的训练和掌握开始。
第一步:既然我们“都已经知道”英语I want to play with you(小孩英语含义)了,为什么不把它放到Yahoo上“探索发现求证”里“求证”一下“人家可以不可以”这么说呢?
第二步:Yahoo i want to play with you
A Friend Just Wants to Play With You
You can blast off every day with lots of fun
We can get together and play out in the sun
I just want to play with you
It doesn't really matter what we do
A friend just wants to play with you
A friend just wants to play with you
When we're together we bust out laughing
With silly dancing all the time
We can zoom zoom zoom
Zoom to the moon
As long as I'm zooming there with you
A friend just wants to play with you
A friend just wants to play with you
Keep a smile on your face for everyone to see
Cause playtime is the best time for friends like you and me
I just want to play with you
It doesn't really matter what we do
A friend just wants to play with you
A friend just wants to play with you
我们“求证”了,小孩子甚至在语境清晰的环境下,大人同样说I want to play with you:没毛病啊,没有哪个老外“笑话你”呀!
A.Why don't you go outside and play with your brother?
B.No one wants to play with me. Everyone's too busy.