





On a spring morning in Chengdu, the capital of the south-western province of Sichuan, Zhang Xiaoyu stands in her classroom, teaching the art of coffee-making. On the wall a dozen plaques from the Specialty Coffee Association of Europe certify her proficiency in skills ranging fromroasting beans to serving the drink. Seven students, all women in their 20s and 30s hoping to open coffee shops, take sips from tiny cups and make notes on the flavors.

the art of:……的技术【词汇积累】

Specialty Coffee Association:专业咖啡协会。specialty表示“专业、特长”【词汇积累】

certify her proficiency in doing sth:certify表示证明,认证。one’s proficiency表示“某人的能力”【词组积累】

roast beans:烘焙咖啡豆

make notes on:对……做笔记【词组积累】

一个春天的早上,在成都这个位于中国西南部的四川省的都会,Zhang Xiaoyu站在她的教室里,传授制作咖啡的技术,墙壁上挂着12枚专业咖啡协会颁发的牌匾证明她的能力,包括烘焙咖啡豆到侍奉饮品。7个学生都是20到30多岁的女性,想要开咖啡店,从小杯里嘬几口咖啡,然后做下笔记。


Until the 1990s coffee was rarely served in China except at luxury hotels aimed at foreigners. When Starbucks opened its first outlet there in 1999 it was far from clear that the country’s avidtea-drinkers would take to such a different—and usually more costly—source of caffeine. Starbucks tried to entice customers unused to coffee’s bitter taste by promoting milk- and sugar-heavy concoctions such as Frappuccinos.

sth was rarely served:某物很少提供。通常是某种商品或服务。也可以表达为sth was rarely available in China【地道表达】

luxury hotel:豪华酒店【词汇积累】

aim at:瞄准,目的,旨在


it is far from clear that:……远未明朗,……还很难说【句式积累】



unused to:不习惯,不适应




The average Chinese still only drinks five cups per year, says the International Coffee Organization, a London-based group. That is just 1.3% of the amount consumed by the average Japanese or American. But coffee has become fashionable among the middle class. Starbucks now has about 3,800 outlets in China—more than in any other country outside America. Statista, abusiness-intelligence portal, says the roast coffee market in China is growing by more than 10% a year. Starbucks and its rivals see big scope for expanding there.


be consumed by:被消费

business-intelligence portal:商务智能门户

roast coffee market:烘焙咖啡市场

see big scope for:看到更大的机会【词组积累】



So too, however, do home-grown competitors. A major new presence is Luckin Coffee, a Beijing-based chain. Since its founding less than two years ago it has opened more than 2,300 outlets. On May17th Luckin’s initial public offering on the Nasdaq stock market raised more than $570m, giving it a value of about $4bn.


A major new presence:一个主要的竞争者。Presence是present的名词形式,表示存在,这里指的是竞争者的存在。

Luckin Coffee:瑞幸咖啡

initial public offering:首次公开发行(IPO),亦即首次公开募股,即上市【词汇积累】

give it a value of:赋值为……【词组积累】



Luckin’s remarkable growth is a sign of change. No longer do Chinese consumers see coffee assuch a luxury. Most of Luckin’s outlets are merely kiosks where busy white-collar workers pick up their drinks, having ordered them online. Super-fast delivery can also be arranged through the company’s app. But, as demand for Ms Zhang’s classes suggests, the posh end of the market is flourishing too. Independent coffee shops are springing up, at which preparation of the drink is taken to artisanal extremes. No longer are whipped cream and sweet sauces essential.

see A as B:把A视作B


white-collar workers:白领,文职工作者。white-collar是“白领的”

pick up:捡起。这里pick up和drinks搭配,形象地表达人们生活紧张,买咖啡就像顺手捡起地上的东西一样,反映其迅速和快捷。【地道表达】

Super-fast delivery:超快速递

as demand for…… suggests:对……的需求表明【词组积累】

the posh end:posh表示“奢华的,上流社会的”,和luxury意义相同。这里的end表示“部分,方面”,相当于part,通常指的是经营活动。文中指的是上流市场。

spring up:迅速出现,迅速生长【词组积累】

is taken to artisanal extremes:以极致手工级别处理。artisanal传统手工的。be taken to extremes被采取极端处理【词组积累】



The teahouses tend to cater to older people who like to spend long hours in them, playingmahjong and gossiping. At the coffee shops it is rare to see anyone over 40. Young people use them for socializing, but much of their interaction is online—sharing photos of their drinks, of the coffee-making equipment and of themselves in chic interiors. An option on the Chineserating app Dianping allows users to search for wanghong (“internet viral”) coffee houses: ones with particularly photogenic decor. Where better to sip and WeChat?


tend to:倾向于,还可以表述为be inclined to

cater to:迎合


socializing;interaction is online:“社交”的表达可以是socializing,之后可以用interaction来指代socializing【词汇积累】

chic interiors:chic是“时髦的、优雅的”,可以和fashionable替换。interior表示室内。整个词组表示时髦的室内装饰。【词汇积累】


wanghong (“internet viral”) coffee houses::网红可以直接翻译“wanghong”,或者翻译成“internet viral”,viral表示病毒,形象地描绘了网红在网络上传播的速度之快与势不可挡。【词汇积累】

photogenic décor:photogenic是“上镜的,上相的”,genic是基因的,可以这样理解,基因里就适合拍照片,所以会很上镜,拍照片很好看。décor指的是“屋内布局、装饰” 【词汇积累】



the art of:……的技术【词汇积累】

Specialty Coffee Association:专业咖啡协会。specialty表示“专业、特长”【词汇积累】

luxury hotel:豪华酒店【词汇积累】





initial public offering:首次公开发行(IPO),亦即首次公开募股,即上市【词汇积累】

the posh end:posh表示“奢华的,上流社会的”,和luxury意义相同。这里的end表示“部分,方面”,相当于part,通常指的是经营活动。文中指的是上流市场。

socializing;interaction is online:“社交”的表达可以是socializing,之后可以用interaction来指代socializing【词汇积累】

chic interiors:chic是“时髦的、优雅的”,可以和fashionable替换。interior表示室内。整个词组表示时髦的室内装饰。【词汇积累】

wanghong (“internet viral”) coffee houses::网红可以直接翻译“wanghong”,或者翻译成“internet viral”,viral表示病毒,形象地描绘了网红在网络上传播的速度之快与势不可挡。【词汇积累】

photogenic décor:photogenic是“上镜的,上相的”,genic是基因的,可以这样理解,基因里就适合拍照片,所以会很上镜,拍照片很好看。décor指的是“屋内布局、装饰” 【词汇积累】

sth was rarely served:某物很少提供。通常是某种商品或服务。也可以表达为sth was rarely available in China【地道表达】

pick up:捡起。这里pick up和drinks搭配,形象地表达人们生活紧张,买咖啡就像顺手捡起地上的东西一样,反映其迅速和快捷。【地道表达】


certify her proficiency in doing sth:certify表示证明,认证。one’s proficiency表示“某人的能力”【词组积累】

make notes on:对……做笔记【词组积累】

see big scope for:看到更大的机会【词组积累】

give it a value of:赋值为……【词组积累】

as demand for…… suggests:对……的需求表明【词组积累】

spring up:迅速出现,迅速生长【词组积累】

is taken to artisanal extremes:以极致手工级别处理。artisanal传统手工的。be taken to extremes被采取极端处理【词组积累】

it is far from clear that:……远未明朗,……还很难说【句式积累】
