
Hectometer stake intersection point residential area benchmark 1. Please mark out and sign one of the hectometer stakes on the drawing.(2.5) 2. Please mark out and sign one of the intersection points on the drawing. (2.5) 3. Please mark out and sign the residential area on the drawing. (2.5) 4. Please circle the radius of JD6 on the table. (2.5) 5. What is the total length of the road ?(2.5) ___________2km_______________________________ 6. Please mark out and sign one of the benchmarks on the drawing and write down its meaning in chinese on the line below. (2.5 5) _______第六个水准点,海拔高度为7.563米_________________________________________________。 Ⅱ(20)


1. Please complete the table.(2 * 7) 2. Please complete the design line on the drawing.(3) 3. What does the horizontal curve mean at JD61 on the table.Please write down the answer on the line in Chinese.(3) ________第61个交角点,向右转弯,弯曲半径为200米_____________________________________。 Ⅲ(25)

1. What is the width of the pier ?(2.5) ___________1650cm___________________ 2. What is the radius of the column ? (2.5) ____________40cm____________________ 3. What is the length of the pile ? (2.5) ____________40cm____________________ 4. What is the thickness of the bearing platform ? (2.5) ____________150cm___________________ 5. How many columns are there in the bridge ? (2.5) ________10_______(5*2=10)____________ 6. What is the cross slope of the pier ? (2.5) ___________1.5%_____________________ 7. Please write down the meaning of the technical terms in Chinese.(2.5 * 4) Beam:______梁____ Abutment: ___桥台______ Pier cap: ____墩帽____ Slab: ______板___



1. Please write down its meaning in Chinese (5 points).(2 * 5) ___编号为20,5根直径为22mm,总长为992cm,直段长为796cm的钢筋________________________________________________________________________________




1. What is the slope of the drainage pipe ?

2. What is the slope of the embankment side slope ?

3. What is the maximum slope of the cone slope ?

4. What is the length of the drainage pipe ?

5. What is diameter of the drainage pipe ?

6. What is thickness of the drainage pipe ?

7. What is the width of the culvert end ?

8. If possible,how will you improve the culvert ?(Please answer in English)

(3 * 7 4)





5.___________75cm_______________________6.___________10cm_______________________7._______266cm或者265cm_ 8.____________合理即可__________________
