
506th article506期双语推文


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Human civilizations always emerge around sources of water. Tracing the origin of human civilizations, Ancient Babylon emerged by the Euphrates and Tigris, Ancient Egypt by the Nile, Ancient India by the Indus and Ganges, and the Chinese nation by the Yellow River.



According to archaeological discoveries, as early as in the Stone Age, the earliest Chinese culture was formed along the Yellow River basin, such as Lantian culture and Dingcun culture in the Paleolithic period and Peiligang culture, Yangshao culture and Longshan culture in the Neolithic period.


Around 8,000 years ago, the earliest agriculture was practiced here; around 5,000 years ago, clans and tribes were established by way of blood relationships, among which Yandi's tribe and Huangdi's tribe were the strongest. Later, the two tribes formed an alliance in which Huangdi (Yellow Emperor) was the leader and unified other tribes and established the Huaxia Tribe.


Chinese descendants around the world regard the Yellow River basin as the cradle of the Chinese nation, the Yellow River as the mother river, and the loess land as the "root".



For thousands of years, the mother river has nourished this land of the same color as hers. Zhengzhou, located in her "arm" of the "几"-shaped river, has also been nurtured.


Yellow River culture integrates the material culture and the spiritual culture created by our ancestors along the Yellow River basin. It is the parent of Chinese civilization, the core of Chinese culture, the root and soul of the Chinese nation and the spiritual homeland of global Chinese.


Zhengzhou as a major node city along the Yellow River basin is closely related to Yellow River culture. Geographically, Zhengzhou sitting on the boundary of the middle and the lower reaches of the Yellow River is the starting point of the thousand-li "aboveground river", the apex of the Yellow River alluvial fan, and the top of the delta on the North China Plain. The characteristics of the Zhengzhou section of the Yellow River are vividly revealed, indicating that Zhengzhou is the core of Yellow River culture.



Chinese culture is mainly based on Yellow River culture, Yellow River culture centers on Central Plains culture, and Central Plains culture has a core which refers to Heluo culture. Zhengzhou is in the heartland of Heluo culture. Over thousands of years, the Yellow River and Luohe River have given birth to a profound and splendid historical civilization. 中华文化的主体是黄河文化,黄河文化的中心是中原文化,中原文化的核心是河洛文化。郑州正处于河洛文化的腹心地带,数千年来,在黄河、洛河的哺育滋养下,生成、积累了厚重灿烂的历史文明。

To some extent, the Zhengzhou section of the Yellow River, featuring the longest history, the most abundant cultural accumulation and the most profound spiritual cultivation, holds a high position in Yellow River culture.



Historically, Zhengzhou is an important source of Chinese civilization, a national historical and cultural city, one of China's top eight ancient capitals, and one of the six large site areas supported by the State. Zhengzhou was the capital of Xia Dynasty, Shang Dynasty, Guan State, Zheng State and Han State, and the site of the state in Sui, Tang, the Five Dynasties, Song, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties.


The Peiligang Site (8,000 years ago) and the Dahe Village Site (6,000 years ago) are famous sites of ancient human activities; 5,000 years ago, Yellow Emperor, the cultural ancestor of the Chinese nation, was born in Zhengzhou and built the capital here; 3,600 years ago, Shang Dynasty established its capital here. A splendid civilization has been created with time-honored accumulation.



It is Yellow River culture that gives birth to Zhengzhou culture. The advantageous location of Zhengzhou is owed to the Yellow River. Without Yellow River culture, Zhengzhou culture will not exist. Likewise, today's development of Yellow River culture is interlinked with Zhengzhou culture and Zhengzhou is the heart of Yellow River culture.黄河文化养育了郑州文化,黄河赋予郑州得天独厚的位置,没有黄河文化就没有郑州文化。同样,今天黄河文化的发展,也离不开郑州文化,没有郑州,黄河文化就失去了核心、支点、重心、龙头!



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Text Editor | Wang Yipin

Photo丨Ma Jian; Wang Xiuqing

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