out和out of的区别 outofn.表示某种状态(1)

out of n 表示某种状态:

Out of control 失控;不受控制; out of question 毫无疑问; out of date 过期的,落伍;

Out of fashion 不流行,过时; out of work 失业;out of sight 看不见; out of danger 脱险; out of order 处故障; out of the question 不可能 ;out of breath 上气不接下气;气喘吁吁

Out of one’s mind 发狂;out of juice =out of power(手机)没电;out of blue 毫无征兆(如同晴天霹雳)

out和out of的区别 outofn.表示某种状态(2)
