
For those who have to stay local to spend the Spring Festival holiday, there is one movie worthy expecting. It is A Writer's Odyssey.



Adapted from writer Shuang Xuetao's novel with the same title, the film tells the story of a father who ventures into danger in order to find his daughter, who has been missing for six years.


The original novel is not long, as it takes me around an hour to finish the reading. It recounts a man struggling with poverty accepts a crazy mission, which assigns him to assassinate a novelist, for obtaining a huge amount of money. Despite sounding fantastic and incredibale, the fictional world penned by the novelist is affecting a tycoon's real life, so the tycoon decides to hire the man to kill the novelist.



Director Lu Yang, known for the popular martial arts franchise Brotherhood of Blades, recalls that he was hooked up the story as which tells a man's desperate attempt to face off "a powerful world" just in order to reunite with the most important person in his life.



But he also realized shooting the film will be a challenging job as which needs to visualize the fictional "Yi World" ruled by Chi Fa Gui (red-hair ghost), depicted as a tyrannous deity who creates chaos and conflicts.


With a ground-breaking try to employ state-of-art technologies such as motion capture, the film has recruited hundreds of artists to take two and a half years on making more than 2,000 special-effect shots, establishing a fantasy world ruling by Chi Fa Gui (red-hair ghost), a tyrannous deity.



With a stellar cast, the film casts actor Lei Jiaying as the father, Dong Zijian as the novelist in real life and a fearless young man in the fictional world, as well as actress Yang Mi as the tycoon's most trusted employee who delivers the assassination mission.



Actor Guo Jingfei reveals in an early trailer that he had spent six hours every day to put on heavy makeup to play two roles, respectively Lao Seng (old monk) and Hei Jia (black suit of armour).


It is perhaps too early to predict feedbacks from common audience and diehard fans. But for me, the most riverting part of this story is that it displays the novelist's respect to the power of words and his attempt to seek justice in the fictional world which he couldn’t get in the real world.



When director Lu announced he would adapt the fantasy story into a film, many fans felt confused as they believe Lu's interest contrated on martial arts tales. But I believe the new film has shared a bit of similarities with the Brotherhood of Blades films, which explore the complexity of humanity in a turbulent dynasty ruled by an unmerciful monarch. Probably, the director wants to use the new story to convey a message that he is incapable to tell in the Brotherhood of Blades films.






- End -


新春佳节,向诸位读者拜个年。未来的日子,工作量会更大,“Weekend Movies”专栏恐怕很难再坚持经常更新。无论如何,感谢读者们长期以来的陪伴,也祝大家新的一年,日子红红火火。

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