Laszlo J.Biro and Reynold拉兹洛J.拜罗和雷洛,我来为大家科普一下关于雷洛谈分成?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!



Laszlo J.Biro and Reynold


The ballpoint pen is a very popular thing for writing. But few people know how and when it came into being.


Early in 1888, John Lawd made a pen with which to write on paper. He called it a ballpoint pen because it was a pen with a very small ball housed in the socket at the tip. But this ballpoint pen leaked and the ball couldn't turn freely in the socket. Thus it was almost of no use.


Nearly half a century passed, Laszlo J.Biro, a Hungarian living in Argentina made a ballpoint pen. Biro studied John's ballpoint pens carefully and did a lot of experiments to improve them. At last, he succeeded in producing the first workable ball pen, which had a much thinner socket and a freely turning ball.


However, the ballpoint pens we use now were, in fact, improved by Reynold in 1945. They were greatly improved on the balls and ink. Thus ballpoint pens became fitter for us. People like to use ballpoint pens because they don't leak at all; they can hold enough ink to last a long time and the quick-drying ink can't be easily affected by the changes of climate.
