
1. Knock your socks off叹为观止

2. Work your socks off拼命干活

3. Armed to the teeth全副武装

4. Under someone's thumb受人控制

5. Have egg on your face狼狈不堪

6. Turn a blind eye视而不见

7. Burn a hole in your pocket一有钱就想花

8. Strapped for cash手头紧

9. Pay through the nose for something出高价,花大价钱

10. Dirt cheap非常便宜

11. A nest egg储备金

12. To have deep pockets资金雄厚

13. Binge- watch“刷剧”、连续看片


14. To pull the plug on something终止、遏止

15. To be on the same wavelength意气相投

16. To get your wires crossed产生误解、误会

17. To be firing on alll cylinders状态绝佳

18. To blow a fuse勃然大怒

19. Take the field运动员登场,上场

20. To harp on about something喋喋不休

21. To pop the question求婚

22. At each other’s throats唇枪舌战地争吵

23. To hit it off (with someone)一见如故

24. To have a crush on someone迷恋某人

25. To fall for someone迷恋一个人

26. To throw a wobbly非常愤怒、极不高兴

27. To make a song and dance about something小题大做


28. To have a change of heart改变主意,改变态度

29. To get something out of your system发泄

30. To have your heart in the right place好心好意,心地善良

31. The salt of the earth诚实善良的人

32. Not for all the tea in China有天大的好处也不干

33. To be in a (bit of a) pickle碰到小麻烦

34. To have bigger fish to fry另有要事要办

35. To egg someone on怂恿、鼓动


36. To acquire a taste for something开始喜欢某事物

37. In the flower of your youth风华正茂

38. All over the shop零乱、到处都是

39. Hit the nail on the head击中要害

40. To put your foot in it说走嘴了

41. To toe the line循规蹈矩

42. To fancy someone喜欢上了某个人

43. An all rounder多面手,全才

44. To take shape开始成形

45. A body blow惨痛的失败,致命一击

46. Pull your punches手下留情

47. Out on a limb处于危境、孤立无援

48. Takes the biscuit太离谱了

49. A wake-up call警钟、警告

50. Work up to (doing something)做好心理准备(办事)




