

大多数球迷都很熟悉利物浦的队歌《你永不独行》(You'll Never Walk Alone)。


特别适合万人齐唱的队歌还有西汉姆联的《我永远吹泡泡》(I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles)。






今天重点介绍一下纽卡斯尔联队的队歌,实际上喜鹊有很多队歌,最近相对固定为两首,一首是恐怖海峡乐队的《回家》(Going Home),另一首是改编自英军步兵军歌的《克莱顿竞赛》(The Blaydon Races)。

Going Home 的另一个名字是 Theme from the Local Hero,这是恐怖海峡乐队Dire Straits的主唱马克-诺普勒为一部1983年的苏格兰电影Local Hero谱写的主题曲。

可能不少朋友对这个乐队和歌曲很陌生,别小看了Going Home,2014年的爱丁堡军操表演都演奏了这首曲子。每年的爱丁堡军操表演,全球有10亿电视观众收看直播,被认为是苏格兰的一项重大文化活动。

其实我大学一年级的时候就开始喜欢Dire Straits,也推荐很多喜欢足球的朋友听听这支英国老牌乐队的歌。喜欢吉他的朋友当然会尝试去练习Sultans of Swing,而《患难兄弟》(Brothers in Arms)歌词之深邃,绝不亚于约翰-列侬的Imagine。

Going Home曲调悠扬,前半部分以吉他为主,后半部分突出了苏格兰风笛。

纽卡斯尔很多球迷特别喜欢Going Home,主要也是因为马克-诺普勒父母都是本地人,虽然马克出生于苏格兰,但7岁又搬回纽卡斯尔居住,一直到上大学。而且马克-诺普勒确实也是纽卡斯尔联队的忠实拥趸。


但Going Home有一个巨大缺陷,就是这是一首纯音乐,没有歌词,而且偏长,总之,这没法在足球场让5万人合唱!

所以很多纽卡斯尔球迷还是喜欢改编自英国陆军北方部队军歌的《布雷顿竞赛》(The Blaydon Races),本赛季不少主场也播放了这个曲子,纽卡斯尔球迷在圣詹姆斯公园球场合唱的氛围也不错。



曼城的队歌《蓝月亮》确实不够震撼,万人合唱效果很差,这几年曼城球迷干脆唱上了披头士乐队的Hey Jude,后来纽卡斯尔球迷也学来了这一手。

最后提一句曼联的队歌,Glory Glory Man United 改编自美国伞兵部队的军歌,看过电视剧《兄弟连》的朋友应该很熟悉那个调调。如果再往前追溯的话,这首歌出自美国南北战争时期。

感兴趣的朋友可以搜搜原版的歌词儿,Gory Gory What A Hell Of A Way To Die ......




附:Blaydon Races 歌词

I went to Blaydon Races

'Twas on the 9th of June

Eighteen Hundred and Sixty Two

On a Summer's Afternoon

We took the bus from Balmbras

And she was heavy laden

Away we went along Collingwood Street

That's on the Road to Blaydon


Oh me lads, you should've seen us gannin'

Passing the folks along the road

just as they were stannin'

Aal the lads and lasses there

aal wi' smilin' faces

Gannin along the Scotswood Road

To see the Blaydon Races

We flew past Armstrong's factory

And up by the Robin Adair

gannin ower the Railway Bridge

The bus wheel flew off there

The lasses lost their crinolenes

And the veils that hide their faces

I got two black eyes and a broken nose

gannin t' Blaydon Races

Oh me lads...

Now when we got the wheel back on

Away we went again

But them that had their noses broke

They went back ower hyem

Some went to the dispensary

And some to Doctor Gibbses

And some to the infirmary

To mend their broken ribses

Oh me lads...

Now when we got to Paradise

There were bonny games begun

There were four and twenty on the bus

And how we danced and sung

They called on me to sing a song

and I sung 'em 'Paddy Fagan'

I danced a jig and I swung me twig

The day wi' went to Blaydon

Oh me lads...

We flew across the Chain Bridge

And into Blaydon Toon

The bellman he was calling then

They called him Jackie Broon

I saw him talking to some chaps

And them he was persuadin'

To gan and see Geordie Ridley's show

At the Mechanics' Hall in Blaydon

Oh me lads...

The rain it poured down all the day

And made the ground quite muddy

Coffee Johnny had a white hat on

Shouted 'Whi stole the cuddy?'

There were spice stalls and monkey shows

And owld wives selling ciders

And a chap on a ha'penny roundaboot

Saying 'noo me lads for riders?'

Oh me lads... (to fade)
