
Get up some speed. 起步速度稍微快点

Push a few times and gain a little speed to start, because this trick requires a bit of momentum to pull off.



Put your back foot in position. 后脚站位

The ball of your back foot should be placed close to the middle of your board, in the same position you use for a kickflip. You should be slightly up on the ball of your foot. Place your foot at a 45-degree angle with your toes pointed toward the back of the board and your heel angled toward the front bolts.

When you do the trick, your back foot will shove forward.




Get your front foot in position. 前脚站位

Your front toes should be positioned at the front edge of the board, with your heel angled toward the back. Rise up so that your weight is on the ball of your foot.

When you do the trick, your front foot will shove off to the side to cause the board to flip.


Pop the board straight up. 向上打板

Use your back foot to pop the board straight up so that it pops vertically at a 90-degree angle to the ground. You'll do this the same way you would for a frontside pop shove it.

后脚点板,使板起跳后垂直于90度地面。这时候和做frontside pop shove it是一样的感觉。


Immediately use your front foot to flip the board. 迅速用前脚翻板

When it's vertical, shove your front foot off the side of the board to flip it around in between your legs. So you'll pop and scoop with your back foot like you would for a frontside pop shove it while at the same time flicking strait behind you and also sort of up.

It's important to make sure your front foot gets out of the way after the shove, so the board can flip completely around.

Once you learn hardflips you will want to slowly practice scooping more and more up and out in order to make the board flip as vertically as possible, rather than more horizontally like you would for a frontside shove it.

当板垂直时,前脚刷板,让板在双脚间翻转。后脚像做frontside pop shove it一样去点地和往里勾。


一旦你学会了hardflip,还要通过更多慢慢的练习,让板越来越垂直地翻,而不是像rontside pop shove it一样横翻。


Land on both feet. 落地

When the board completes the vertical part of the flip and is tipping toward the ground, stomp down hard to catch the board and land the trick.

Keep your body over the board the whole time.

It can be easier to learn how to land on your front foot, but keep practicing until you can land the trick on both feet.



