
1. be entitled to evaluate their teachers’work 有资格评价他们的老师

2. student-oriented education 以学生为中心的教育

3. measure the quality of education 衡量教育质量

4. keep abreast of the latest development 了解最新的进展

5. feedback 反馈

6. unprejudiced 公平的,无偏见的

7. positive 积极的,正面的 negative 负面的,消极的

8. quality education 素质教育 exam- oriented education 应试教育

9. lack of discemment 缺乏辦识力

10. biased evaluation 有失偏的评价

11. be particular about 对……挑剔的

12. put oneself into others’ shoes 从别人的角度考虑问题

13. do part-time jobs in leisure time 在休闲的时间内做兼职 work full- time during summer vacation 暑假时做全职工作

14. put knowledge into practice 将知识应用于实践

15. build up one's confidence 树立自信心

16. adapt to society 适应社会

17. finance college education 支付大学费用

18. ease the financial strain 缓解经济压力

19. take part-time jobs on-line 网上兼职

20. Nothing ventured,nothing gained.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。


21. be in the formative years 处于童年性格形成的时期,处于成长期

22. fall victim to 成为……的牺牲品

23. fall into a dangerous situation 陷入危险的境地

24. distraction from study 学习分心

25. skip class 翘课

26. miss out the fun of campus life 错过大学生活的乐趣

27. money worship 拜金主义

28. be fully preoccupied with making money 醉心于赚钱

29. budget one's time 安排好时间

30. keep/ strike a good balance between...and... 协调好……和……

31. be spiritually contaminated 精神受到污染

32. resist the temptation 抵挡住诱惑

33. complement each other 互补

34. physical punishment 体罚 corporal punishment 体罚,肉刑

35. long-lasting issue of controversy 长期以来一直有争议的话题

36. spank 打…的屁股

例:I gave him a spank for being so rude由于他如此粗鲁我给了他一巴掌

37. smacking 拍击

38. exert a bad influence on children 对孩子产生不良影响

39. add sorrow and pain to life 给生活增添悲伤和痛苦

40. inflict deep psychological wounds on 对心理造成严重的伤害

41. traumatize 使受损伤,使受精神创伤

42. in a panic 在恐慌中,在恐惧中

43. introverted 内向的 extroverted 外向的

44. pessimistic 悲观的,厌世的

be pessimistic about sth... 对…悲观

45. optimistic 乐观的

46. mental disorder 精神错乱

47. mental illness 心理方面的疾病

48. psychological health 心理健康

49. juvenile crime 青少年犯罪

50. violence-free 没有暴力的

51. establish a bridge between parents and children 在父母和子女间建立一座桥梁

52. dialogue and communication 对话和沟通

53. strengthen familial emotional ties 加强家庭感情

