“读懂”英语,还要“会用”英语:A live view of something

“学习”英语(if any at all),难的不是“我不懂它的汉语是什么?”:1)难的是你不通过学习,学会和习惯查英英字典(互联网时代,网上大把唾手可得的免费优秀英英字典),2)难的是你不通过学习“刻意”去“记住”和“积累”它的“英语是什么?”



比如,下面Live view of Kabul airport和claimed responsibility for,你一上来是不是就是一句:中文是什么?

Live view of Kabul airport after ISIS-K claimed responsibility for the deadly airport attacks in the Afghan capital.


1.Okay.I got you.If you say you have a live view of something,you mean you're seeing it,you're watching it as it is being happening.Yiu're not watching a taped event or a recorded event.

A live view is not a recorded show,not a filmed show,not a taped show.

要“懂得”英语a live view,你“不需要”汉语,但是,“需要”(能说出用上)上面这样的英语:学了英语几十年,做到了没有?



2.Okay.I got you.If you claim responsible for something,you mean you're responsible for it.You did it.

