
accordingly [əˈkɔːrdɪŋli]

adv.①因此 ②相应地



accordingly 书面用词,强调根据某种原因而得出的结果,其前可用冒号或分号,但不可以用逗号

It has rained hard since early morning; accordingly, we shall cancel our outing. 大雨自清晨起就一直下着,因此我们将取消郊游。

consequently 正式用词,侧重符合逻辑的结果

John was building a small house, but it was blown down in the storm. Consequently, he was back to square one and had to start all over again. 约翰建造一幢小房子,但被暴风雨吹倒了。结果他又回到了初始状态,只得重新开始。

hence 较正式用词,指接下来的东西是理所当然的必需的东西

The town was built near a bridge on the River Cam: hence the name Cambridge. 该城市建在康姆河上一座桥的附近,由此得名康姆桥。

therefore 通常指引出一个推断出的必然结论

Therefore, we do everything we can as designers to keep her focus on the patient and her treatment. 因此,我们尽力引导她将注意力集中在这病人及其治疗上。

so 用于比较随便的场合,口语中多用

It was dark, so I couldn’t see what was happening. 天很黑,所以我看不见当时发生了什么。

