
Accident During Overload Test


Serious accident during overload test of the offshore crane HLC (Heavy Lift Crane) 295000


According to preliminary findings the crane hook did not withstand the load

2020年5月2日在德国罗斯托克国际港口进行一项符合行业标准的测试过程中,HLC 295000重型海洋平台吊在发生事故后受到严重损坏,目前正在对事故原因和过程进行全面调查。

During the course of tests in line with industry standards on 2nd May 2020 in the international Port of Rostock, the offshore heavy lift crane HLC 295000 was severely damaged following an accident. Comprehensive investigations as to the cause and course of the accident are currently under way.

2020年5月5日德国罗斯托克 | 利勃海尔海工技术罗斯托克有限公司(Liebherr-MCCtec Rostock GmbH)对其生产的HLC 295000型海洋平台吊进行荷载测试时,发生了一起严重的事故,导致两名伤者被送往医院接受治疗,另有10人在现场接受医护人员治疗。

Rostock (Germany) 5th May, 2020 – During an overload test of the offshore crane HLC 295000 from Liebherr-MCCtec Rostock GmbH a serious accident occurred resulting in two injured persons having to be taken to hospital for treatment. A further ten persons were treated by paramedics on site.



利勃海尔海工技术罗斯托克有限公司 (Liebherr-MCCtec Rostock GmbH)董事总经理利奥波德•伯托尔德(Leopold Berthold)表示:“在此,我们祈祷伤者一切顺利,希望能够早日康复。” 他补充道:“考虑到损害的程度,我们首先庆幸的是事故未造成更多的人身伤害,我们目前的首要任务是全力支持调查当局,以便协助尽快查清事故原因。”

“At this point we wish the injured persons all the best and hope for a full and speedy recovery,” said Leopold Berthold, Managing Director of Liebherr-MCCtec Rostock GmbH. “Considering the extent of the damages, we are above all thankful that it did not cause more personal injuries. Our priorities currently lie in fully supporting the investigating authorities in order to contribute to the quickest possible clarification of the accident,” added Berthold.


At this stage in the investigations, the responsible authorities and experts unanimously assume that a broken crane hook was the cause of the accident. The exact reasons as to why the hook did not withstand the load are unclear at this stage of investigations. The design and manufacture of the crane hook was purchased from an external supplier. A design or production error of the Liebherr crane can therefore be excluded.

HLC 295000的荷载测试计划在负载为5500吨的情况下进行。该提升应该通过驳船的起重来完成,执行过载测试是行业的典型过程,通过此程序,起重机将测试其最大起重能力。据当前已知事实,事故发生时的载重量约为2600吨,它所产生的连锁反应,导致了事故的发生。

The overload test for the HLC 295000 was planned for a load scenario of 5,500 tonnes. The lift should have been carried out through the hoisting of a barge. Carrying out an overload test is a typical procedure for the industry, whereby the crane is tested for its maximum lifting capacity. Currently known facts indicate that the incident occurred at a load of around 2,600 tonnes causing a chain reaction which led to the accident.

就目前情况而言,事故对利勃海尔海工技术罗斯托克有限公司(Liebherr-MCCtec Rostock GmbH)的日常运行没有影响,据初步估计,损失高达数千万欧元。

As things stand, the accident has no effect on day-to-day operations at Liebherr-MCCtec Rostock GmbH. According to initial estimates, the damage amounts to a high double-digit million figure.


Liebherr-MCCtec Rostock GmbH

利勃海尔海工技术罗斯托克有限公司(Liebherr-MCCtec Rostock GmbH) 是欧洲领先的海运物料处理解决方案制造商之一。其产品范围包括船吊、移动式码头高架吊和海洋平台吊。集装箱正面吊和集装箱起重机的零部件也包含在产品组合中。

About Liebherr-MCCtec Rostock GmbH

Liebherr-MCCtec Rostock GmbH is one of the leading European manufacturers of maritime material handling solutions. The product range comprises ship, mobile harbour and offshore cranes. Reachstackers and components for container cranes are also included in the product portfolio.


利勃海尔集团在全球拥有140多家公司,48,000多名员工,2019年利勃海尔的总营业额达到了117亿欧元。利勃海尔是一家全球性、家族式的技术创新企业,不仅是世界上最大的建筑机械制造商之一,而且在许多其他领域,也被公认为专注于客户利益,为客户提供先进产品和优质服务的供应商,利勃海尔成立于1949年德国南部的伊莱尔河畔基尔希多夫 (Kirchdorf an der Iller)。

About the Liebherr Group of Companies

The Liebherr group comprises more than 140 companies on all continents and has over 48,000 employees. In 2019, Liebherr achieved a consolidated total turnover of around 11.7 billion euros. As a global, family-run technology business, Liebherr is not only one of the largest construction machine manufacturers in the world, but is also recognized in many other sectors as a supplier of technically sophisticated products and services with focus on customer benefit. Liebherr was founded in 1949 in Kirchdorf an der Iller in southern Germany.

俗话说,不怕神一样的对手--> 强劲的竞争对手,欧洲海工巨头荷兰Huisman

就怕猪一样的队友--> 吊钩供应商


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