1、To find a friend one must colse on eye.To keep him—two.——Norman Douglas,Almanac中文解释:觅一知己,需闭一只眼;守一知己,需闭两只眼——诺尔曼·道格拉斯(《年鉴计划》)2、I have lost friends,some by death...... others through sheer inability to cross the street.——Virginia Woolf,The Waves中文解释:我失去过一些朋友,一些是因为他们的去世......另外的只是因为懒得走过几条马路——弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙(《海浪》)3、How few of his friends'houses would a man choose to be at when he is sick.——Samuel Johnson中文解释:一个人在生病的时候,还有几个朋友能为他提供去处呢——塞廖尔·约翰逊4、There is more shame in distrusting one's friends than in being deceived by them.——La Rochefoucauld,Maximes中文解释:不相信自己的朋友比被自己的朋友欺骗更让人羞愧——拉罗什富科(《箴言集》)5、Friendship is tested in the thick years of success rather than in the thin years of struggle.——Barry Humphrise中文解释:比起清贫的日子,友谊在功成名就的富足生活中要经受更大的考验——巴瑞·哈姆弗莱斯,我来为大家科普一下关于关于友谊的英文美文?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!



1、To find a friend one must colse on eye.To keep him—two.——Norman Douglas,Almanac中文解释:觅一知己,需闭一只眼;守一知己,需闭两只眼。——诺尔曼·道格拉斯(《年鉴计划》)2、I have lost friends,some by death...... others through sheer inability to cross the street.——Virginia Woolf,The Waves中文解释:我失去过一些朋友,一些是因为他们的去世......另外的只是因为懒得走过几条马路。——弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙(《海浪》)3、How few of his friends'houses would a man choose to be at when he is sick.——Samuel Johnson中文解释:一个人在生病的时候,还有几个朋友能为他提供去处呢。——塞廖尔·约翰逊4、There is more shame in distrusting one's friends than in being deceived by them.——La Rochefoucauld,Maximes中文解释:不相信自己的朋友比被自己的朋友欺骗更让人羞愧。——拉罗什富科(《箴言集》)5、Friendship is tested in the thick years of success rather than in the thin years of struggle.——Barry Humphrise中文解释:比起清贫的日子,友谊在功成名就的富足生活中要经受更大的考验。——巴瑞·哈姆弗莱斯


