Full of beans 精力充沛

Beans指“豆类”,豆类营养丰富,对人身体很有益处,补充蛋白质,使人精神奕奕,所以full of beans指人“精力充沛”。

These little children are always full of beans and it’s not an easy job to keep them out of trouble.这些小孩精力充沛,要防止他们闯祸是件不容易的事儿。



Spill the beans 直译:打翻豆子,引申为“泄漏秘密”。

Mrs. Green is so talkative that she always spills the beans.格林太太话多,常泄漏秘密。

Not know beans about意思是“一点也不知道、不认识”。

We do not know beans about the background of our new chief.我们对新上司一无所知。

Not have a bean 没钱

It’s incredible to think that he hasn’t got a bean.

