夏天真是一个热闹的季节,一阵风刮来另一阵风,一股火气冲撞了另一股火气,一个人炽烈地爱着另一个人 ​​​​。

Summer is really a busy season, a gust of wind blowing another gust of wind, a fire hit another fire, a person is passionately in love with another person.



Recently, it was found that the feeling of liking a person is that more than 20 people praised it, but someone's praise always seems particularly good-looking.




Other people watched the secret corner: the details of ups and downs and the outcome of careful thinking!

I watched the secret corner: learning mathematics is easy to lose hair.



It's said that we have only experienced that summer in our life, and the rest are compared with it.



I know you in summer and leave you in summer, just like the sunshine in summer is incomparable, and showers are inevitable.



The summer I want is the heat wave and blood. It's the last green bean sand ice in the freezer. It's another bottle of orange soda. I'm going to express my heart to the boy I like with my proudest gesture at the gate of my favorite university next summer. I'm going to trade one summer for another. I'll win if I don't lose.


时间过得太快了,回想起过去,仍觉得像是从一场车祸里醒来,一切都碎片化得没办法完整描述,像是过了很久,又像是一眨眼就被推到了现在。 ​​​​

Time flies too fast. When I think back to the past, I still feel like I woke up from a car accident. Everything is fragmented and can't be described completely. It seems like a long time has passed, and it seems like I was pushed to the present in a blink of an eye. ​​​​


我很庆幸曾和你走过同一条路看过同样的风景, 虽然我们即将分别。

I'm glad to have walked the same road with you and seen the same scenery, although we are about to be separated.



在考完英语的当天,大家聚会、告别、写留言本、更换手机号,然后就各自奔天涯了。好像从那一刻开始, 一切就都自动变成了崭新。背了好久的知识点也突然没再那么重要了,就算还有没写完的试卷,统统丢掉都没事,压抑了好久也终于可以放肆一回了。


For me, one of the most impressive happiness is the happiness after the college entrance examination.

On the day of English test, everyone gathered, said goodbye, wrote a message book, changed their cell phone number, and then went to the end of the world. It seems that from that moment on, everything will automatically become brand new. After a long time of reciting knowledge, it is suddenly no longer so important. Even if there are unfinished papers, it is OK to throw them away. After a long time of repression, you can finally let them go.

This kind of unrequited go to the future, suddenly a light sense of freedom, life can only experience once.


