A hero knows a real hero and a successful person understands a real successful person. What is real success?


Success is not about having talent, but with being without ideal. Those who constantly strive for self-improvement and self-confidence will succeed in the end.



In my opinion, one thing all the successful people in common is sticking to their own goals no matter what.


If we find ten thousand ways something won't work, we haven't failed. And we are not discouraged, because every wrong try is another step forward.



Think of somebody you really admire. You will probably find that their success did not come so easily. Maybe successful people got over great difficulties and spent their whole life working to achieve their own great dreams.


I believe that successful persons would be really happy to do what they like. They think that it would be their greatest happiness if they could work hard until their dying days.



In order to solve all of the difficult problems, people keep trying instead of giving up easily. Sometimes the results may be disappointing, however, they never give up. Because successful persons believe that every failure is a step towards success.


Sometimes, our success may be a big surprise, even to ourselves. Never give up! Finally, we will make it. Don't quit now! I guess that is exactly what we should do. May we all succeed in life!

有时候,我们的成功可能是一个很大的惊喜,甚至对我们自己来说也是意外。坚信永不放弃!最后,我们会成功的。现在别放弃! 我想这正是我们应该做的。祝愿我们大家人生中都能成功!

