:海兽葡萄镜,亦称“瑞兽葡萄镜”“海马葡萄镜”“天马葡萄镜”“鸾兽葡萄镜”。铜镜上所刻画的兽形图案,形象不一,姿态各异,统称“海兽”。此类镜装饰奇异,纹样充满神秘色彩,被日本学者称之为“多谜之镜”、“凝结欧亚大陆文明之镜”。“此处的‘海’并不是指它们是海中所产之物,而是指我国古代的一种地域观念。”谢虎军说,这些海兽多为头部大而圆的动物形象,其实就是古代的狮子,古人称“狻猊(suān ní)”。《尔雅·释兽》:“狻猊如彪猫,食虎豹。”西汉武帝时期,张骞通西域后,狮子等动物相继引进中国内地,供贵族享乐。唐镜图案中的狮子形象,由于画域狭小,不能细腻描绘,便采用了粗略的浮雕手法,紧抓狮子夸张的头部特点,造型生动。 此件海兽兽葡萄纹铜镜。圆形,兽钮,主题纹饰大多分内外二区,由海兽和葡萄枝蔓组成,柔长的枝条,舒展的花叶,丰硕的果实与生动活泼的海兽构成一幅幅妙趣横生的画面,而且由于采用浮雕技法,画面高低起伏,立体感极强。镜上蔓枝葡萄藤长叶茂、果实累累,几只海兽匍匐逐戏其间,这两个来自域外的物种由铸镜师采用高浮雕的技法将它们镌铸于铜镜之上,不仅在造型上写实、生动,富有装饰性,更是一个中外文化交流碰撞的最好见证。如今,铜镜虽然离我们的日常生活越来越远,但一面面锈迹斑斑的古铜镜,印刻着岁月的痕迹。尽管镜面昔日的光泽已失去,无法映照出面庞,然而铜镜背面个性的纹饰、铭文却承载着丰富的历史文化,以其独特的艺术魅力见证历史,极具收藏投资价值。Sea animal grape mirror, also known as "beast grape mirror" "hippocampal grape mirror" "Tianma grape mirror" "Luan beast grape mirror". The animal-shaped patterns depicted on the bronze mirror have different images and different posture, collectively referred to as "sea beast". Such kind of mirrors are strangely decorated and the patterns are full of mysterious colors, which are known by Japanese scholars as "the mirror of multiple mysteries" and "the mirror of the condensation of Eurasian civilization". "The 'sea' here does not mean that they are produced in the sea, but refers to a regional concept in ancient China." Xie Hucheng said that most of these sea animals are large and round animal images, in fact, is the ancient lions, the ancients called "(suan ni)". "Ya ash beast": "like a pusy cat, eat tiger and leopard." During the reign of Emperor Wudi of the Western Han Dynasty, after Zhang Qian went to the Western Regions, lions and other animals were introduced to mainland China for the nobles to enjoy. The image of the lion in the Tang mirror pattern, due to the narrow area, can not be delicate depicted, then used a rough relief technique, grasp the lion exaggerated head characteristics, vivid shape. this sea beast grape grain bronze mirror. Round, animal knob, the theme decoration is mostly divided into two areas inside and outside, composed of sea animals and grape vines, soft branches, stretch flowers and leaves, fruitful fruits and lively sea animals constitute a series of interesting pictures, and due to the use of relief techniques, the picture is undulating, three-dimensional sense is very strong. The vines have long leaves and fruit, and several sea animals crawled in the process. The two species from outside the domain used high relief techniques to engrave them on the bronze mirror, which is not only realistic, vivid, but also decorative, but also the best witness of the Chinese

